There are many researches that have been conducted about ADHD. Due to this, there is increase knowledge in the genetics, affected brain area, and behavioral studies. This is then leading to a more understanding about the causes, prevention, and development of more effective treatments for ADHD. Researches and studies about ADHD are helpful and is hoped to develop more that one day the ADHD can be treated just before the symptoms occur. The NIMH is dedicated to study and develop treatments for the ADHD people. One of their studies is the Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD or the MTA study. It's a long term study of treatments for school-aged children. The NIMH also supported the preschoolers with ADHD by funding it. It is called the Preschoolers with ADHD Treatment Study or known as the PATS. This involves more than about 300 preschoolers who had been diagnosed with ADHD. They gave a medication stimulant methylphenidate in a low dosage which is safe and effective for preschoolers according to their studies. However, the children shown sensitivity as side effective to that medication such as slowing in the average growth rates. Because of this reason, the preschoolers thereby must be closely monitored while taking ADHD medications. Be sure to consult your physician regarding such medication. The Preschoolers with ADHD Treatment Study (PATS) is focusing on the genes of the preschoolers. This is to see if how the preschoolers responded to methylphenidate on the specific genes that has been affected by ADHD. If these studies improve and would show great results, this would help scientists and physicians to connect distinction in specific genes that affects the person's brain. Though this has not shown such results yet, this study still provided valuable and helpful insights regarding ADHD. There are also ongoing clinical trials that NIMH sponsored on children and adults that have ADHD. They also gave their support to scientist that continues to focus on the biological basis or causes of ADHD. It is also part of their studies to know how the differences in genes and brain structure as well as the function that may come together with life experiences to produce or generate the ADHD. Though these treatments have been mentioned, always make sure to consult your doctor when it comes to taking medications. There may be variations on the medication given and side effects that will affect the ADHD child. For more concerns about ADHD, it is best to consult and go directly to your physician. For more transforming strategies for ADHD, visit
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