Many studies have been conducted about the causes of ADHD, and the genetic basis plays the major role in this case. Though many evidences have concluded in this study, researchers are still looking for other reasons and causes of such disorder. They consider many factors that could be the cause of ADHD such as environmental factors, the brain trauma's or injuries, as well as the social attributes, etc. According to studies, those children with ADHD have certain areas in the brain linked with attention that brings specific version of a definite gene have thinner brain tissue. The difference however was not permanent and as the children with this gene manifestation grow, the development of the brain goes back to a normal level of thickness and the ADHD symptoms still improved. This was according to NIMH research. Genetic origin or what we inherited from our parents are what is said to be the blueprint of who we are. According to research, the genes act a vital role in the causes of ADHD because it was shown that it runs within the family. As they continue the research, the knowledge regarding genetic causes of ADHD increases that hopefully one day may be helpful in treating ADHD. If they can figure it out, they can avoid the disorder just before it manifest. They can counteract it with better treatments as they identify the specific gene that causes it. In our life, the environment that we live in affects us. Such from the day of conception everything the mother does create impact on the baby she carries. Thus, there is a probable link between environmental factors and ADHD. It is said that cigarette smoking, alcohol, and other vices during pregnancy stage of the mother can potentially cause ADHD. Though this was taken as a consideration as one factor, no legible proof has been given yet. The brain is where the affected area in ADHD. Studies says that children who undergone traumatic brain injuries can be considered to be the cause of ADHD. However according to research there is only small percentage of those children with ADHD that experienced brain injury. So that does not really conclude that fact. Sweets or high in sugar causes a person to be hyperactive. It is speculated that refined sugar can cause ADHD. Since sugar heightens the person's emotions and actions, this makes ADHD worse. This theory however was not greatly supported by many researchers. There are no differences shown as sugar is given to children with or without ADHD according to some studies and surveys. Remember that sugar really causes a person to be hyperactive and this doesn't mean that it causes the ADHD. Canned goods and other products with preservatives greatly affect ones health. According to some research, there is a probable connection that ADHD is caused by food additives. These food additives are artificial colors and high contents of preservatives mixed in food. This causes hyperactivity, but further studies are still being conducted about this because there are no known strong proofs that may support this theory. It may not yet be fully explained, but the fact is the causes of ADHD are a frequently asked question. For more transforming strategies for ADHD, visit
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