A healthcare facility spends quite a significant amount of time and energy in dealing with various technicalities and formalities. These activities, in spite of being important elements in maintaining the uniformity and segregation of daily tasks and functions, nevertheless, are time consuming. The time spent in their execution can be spent in better ways, like dealing with patients or reviewing the present state of services. The more the medical staff is able to spend their time and energy on the patients, the better will be the quality of treatment received by the patients. To save this precious time, it is not uncommon in today's world of healthcare industry employing the services of information technology to share the workload. This also helps in simplifying processes like maintaining and accessing records, administrative work and more. The major concern of any hospital would be to provide high quality of healthcare services to its patients. At the same time ensuring that the errors are minimal is critical to the end result of all those activities forming the part of a patient's treatment is a must. A slight mistake can endanger the life of an individual and this can never be a positive sign for the reputation of any healthcare organization. Hospital information management system is aimed at providing easy access to various information needed at the time of emergencies or other purposes resulting in marked improvement in communication with the patient and the staff that in turn helps in minimizing errors occurring due to misinterpretation of data or information. The major headache is of course how to minimize input costs without compromising with the quality of services. The use of healthcare information management systems can help one in keeping a check on the usage of resources like lab equipments, medicines, improved efficiency and staff management etc. The long term effect of such a system in place can drastically result in enhanced patient experience and better functioning of the facility as a whole with lesser amount of people needed to run the hospital. Yasasii is a comprehensive Hospital management Information software designed for all types of healthcare facilities in different settings providing user-friendly interface designed by highly experienced and leading software architects. The simplicity of usage in turn helps in unraveling the complexities of daily operations and eliminating the usage of paper using advance healthcare information management system. . The ease of usage of hospital information management system coupled with Decision Support System and Knowledge Management System simplify and reduce the work of healthcare providers, improve work flow, minimizing clinical errors, plugging leakages and increasing overall staff productivity.
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