If you are a sufferer of IBS and are looking into natural relief, then good for you. Not everything works for everybody but there are so many things you can, and should experiment with because those who choose the alternative of prescription drugs may be in for side effects that are even worse than the symptoms that they are attempting to treat. Some doctors are actually prescribing antidepressants and mood-elevating drugs such as Elavil and Prozac, believing that this will be helpful if the patient's flare-ups are emotional driven. The relationship between the brain and the gut are well known and is being studied and may prove to be valid but when you study the potential side effects of these mind-altering drugs, it can be a blessing to have a natural option. Side effects When looking at the very long list of common and then less common side effects for some of these pharmaceutical drugs, it's amazing that doctors will even prescribe them first of all, and that anyone would risk getting some of the side effects. A few of the common ones for Prozac are: diarrhea, nausea, nervousness, fever, chills, decreased sexual desire or ability. The less common severe side effects include: rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, chest pain, fast or irregular heartbeat, hostility, vomiting, diarrhea, suicidal thoughts or attempts. Wow! No wonder more and more people are looking into natural ways to deal with symptoms. There is good news regarding prebiotics and some recent studies on how they are improving digestive health. Specifically, how they are supporting the beneficial bacteria (probiotics) in our gut while at the same time inhibiting the growth of dangerous bacteria. Because of these finding scientists believe they may be a link here to colon cancer prevention. As well, prebiotics may help ease symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease, help control weight, lower cholesterol, balance blood sugar, and speed up waste transit time. Prebiotics means more fiber Besides the emotional connection to possibly being linked to certain symptoms, the modern low fiber, high processed food diet most of us consume certainly is responsible for many people developing IBS. We simply cannot deprive our system from dietary fiber and expect everything to function normally. With a balanced fiber intake through food and/or supplements, you should get both insoluble and soluble fiber. Soluble fiber is the prebiotic one which feeds the good bacteria in the intestines. Insoluble fiber , also known as roughage, plays a big part because it is your inner broom which sweeps up all the mess and organizes it to form stools so it can hopefully make a quick and easy getaway. For more information on prebiotics and IBS, the best prebiotic supplements sold today, check out our website www.Natural-Digestion.com for additional tips, and products.
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