Direct selling of a property can make you save the commission money but at the same time you may also lose it while the negotiation, a property agent can help you better sell your property in exchange with the commission money, here are the advantages and disadvantages of both Selling a property through real estate agents is easy because you need not to take care of the things like advertisement broadcasting, document preparations and visits arrangements for the buyers, but it has disadvantages too, see below the differences between direct selling and indirect selling Direct Selling Selling a house or apartment cannot be improvised. The task is nonetheless accessible. All you need is to have a hint of commercial fiber and exercise common sense for a short time. Advantages of Direct Selling - The absence of intermediate mans the absence of commission to be paid.
- A more attractive proposed sale price because of reduced agency fees that increase the purchase price for the buyer.
- Management of each step of the sale.
- The ability to reach more number of buyers, especially through the Internet.
- The owner knows his/her property well: able to answer any question to the visitors (loads, environment).
Disadvantages of Direct Selling - Determining the sale price upon the owner: it is not easy to find the right price that will appeal to buyers and seller meet at the end of the negotiation.
- Direct selling takes time: you must write the ads, broadcast, answering phones, arranging visits, receive and sort the bids.
- It is always difficult to assess the motivations and the quality of visitors: do they really want to buy and they have the financial means?
- The price negotiations require patience and persuasion, writing the sales agreement requiring some legal knowledge (see also our article on “how to sell a property”).
Entrust the sale to a realtor Using real estate agents is the easy way. The agent is responsible for all steps and all the formalities. In return, it is paid over the amount of the sale. Advantages of Agency - The agent evaluates your property better by knowing the market prices.
- Saving time: the agent takes care of everything (writing and dissemination of the advertisement, looking for potential buyers, visits, negotiations).
- Peace of mind: the agent will assist you and advise you at every step of the transaction, especially when negotiating the price and writing the sales agreement.
- Before planning a visit, the officer made the sort: it must ensure that your property meets the expectations and budget of potential buyers.
Disadvantages of Agency - The agent is remunerated in the form of a commission (usually 5 to 10% of transaction amount), just increases the purchase price and may discourage potential buyers.
- The buyer negotiates always between the lower price and he claims agent's commission, the final amount of the transaction does not always correspond to the initial objectives of the seller.
- If your property is a typical, or if you require a sale price it considers too high, the agent can focus on its other mandates.
Namely: do not grant an exclusive to a particular agent. Rather entrust your property to several estate agents to bring them into competition. More tips If you are selling your old residential apartments, flats or home, it will be better for you to avoid selling it through the agents. Just do a brief research about the market price, evaluate the price of your current property based on its accommodation, environment and other facilities, It will take some time but will save a lot of money for you. Author recommends to choose commercial property in Noida for Indian commercial real estate investment.
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