Steer through unknown territories, and you know you’re up against fading networks, device limitations, server issues and so forth. You can hardly bet on getting continued internet connectivity with the aforementioned scenarios. With MySendMail though, you enjoy a Free SMTP server that throws a strong challenge to connectivity hurdles faced on the go. It works even in the most remote areas by getting around existing conditions, howsoever unfavorable, to keep your emails going smoothly. Mysendmail connects to varied networks globally and allows free emailing on iPad, iPhone, Mac, Windows, in short, on all email clients, safely and securely from anywhere on the globe. All in all, the Free SMTP Server packs an all-in-one solution to emailing round the clock. The dynamics of modern emailing are such that when an email is send, it first gets stored on an outgoing SMTP server from where it’s sent to its recipient(s). A SMTP is definitive, assigned by your Internet Service Provider (ISP), and thus, only works fine when you connect to Net on the same ISP. That however, isn’t always the case! As you move in and out of changing networks, your ISP is constantly changing. The SMTP-ISP settings sync out, breaking down your emailing connectivity almost simultaneously. With MySendMail you get a Free SMTP server that always works regardless of which network you are on anywhere on the planet. Unlike many Free SMTP Services, with Mysendmail you don’t have to mess with your personal identity. The Mysendmail Free SMTP Server allows you to use your regular email addresses held on various email clients. So if you’re into using Outlook for official correspondence and say Gmail for personal exchanges, you can pretty much have it that way. There’s absolutely no need to set up a new email address ( and the like) to access this Free SMTP service. The Free SMTP server is extremely handy for both, the occasional and the frequent traveler. Other than uninterrupted emailing, the Free SMTP Server escalates email security and privacy to a whole new level of encryption, is extremely snappy by virtue of the dozens of SMTP connections it generates, and opens up to existing webmail systems facilitating easy integration. If you’re on the go quite often, you’d have had to fiddle with your device settings time and again to keep up with every network you walked into. This is something that gets even the most ardent traveler. With Mysendmail, it’s different! You can sail through without once having to care if your device syncs with an upcoming network change. Mysendmail Free SMTP Server automates your device settings to keep up with rapid network fluctuations. To know more about Mysendmail Free SMTP Server, and how to get your device up for the service, please visit: About Author Robon heads the Sales and Marketing activities at With his astute and cognizant eye for technology. Robon has been a strong impetus in building this global SMTP service.
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