Zooplus provides a wonderful selection of foods for cats and dogs and for other animals, the site also has all you need for the aforementioned pets from bedding, right up to toys and all the other bits and bobs you will need to keep your animal healthy. Zooplus also has a wide selection of goods and foods for other animals, including aquatic life, birds and of course the ever increasingly popular reptile community. For those of you who can’t see the attraction of a reptile, here are a number of celeb pets in all their oddness. Bubbles For anyone who remembers the 1980s there will be one pet that will be very memorable – Michael Jackson’s Bubbles, the chimpanzee. Bubble’s went everywhere with Jackson and was seen to be as close to human as an animal could possibly be. The animal was taken from a research facility by Jackson and cared for in his gigantic Neverland ranch. Jackson went as far as to take the animal to tea with a Japanese Mayor. The chimpanzee had a better life than most at home also, he slept in a crib, watched TV and ate candy and used the singers toilet. In 2003 it was revealed Bubbles had turned into an aggressive male chimp and had to be sent to an animal sanctuary, where he then tried to commit suicide. Phil Spector Since Spector’s sentence for 19 years for murder he has made a new friend – a pet cockroach. Spector, though not allowed his wig has been able to bring his computer to the jail, where he blogs each day about his life behind bars. One of his more interesting revelations was that he now has a pet cockroach, which he feeds and bizarrely claims to also play chess with. Spector may be more of a mad genius than we weill ever be able to imagine. Megan Fox Sultry star of the transformers movies has a number of pets, among them a budgie, a pot bellied pig named Piggy Smalls – a pun on the famous rappers name and a cat and a dog, just like the rest of us, one must wonder does she shop at Zoo Plus? The budgie, whose name is Bowie loves to supposedly to lie on his back and have it tickled, he also sticks his tongue out to kiss you if you do the same – a little odd! Mike Tyson Tyson of course wouldn’t be one for pot bellied pigs, cockroaches or budgies. The former American boxer has a pet tiger of course, and perhaps evens more oddly a number of racing pigeons. Jackson is part of a TV show, Animal Planet, where he is followed around the world racing his pigeons. Tyson claims to be a much changed man these days and also says he played truant at school just so he could care for his pigeons in his youth and ensure they were in tip top racing form – not exactly what you would expect. Stranger again, you can see him kissing and cuddling the pigeons throughout the programme. Patrick Dempsey If he’s not saving lives and then racing cars, Patrick Dempsey is tending to his African Tortoise Clever. He picked her up after a call from an animal rescue clinic who told him, she was abandoned on the side of a highway near Las Vegas and now the two are inseparable. Clover is perfect for Dempsey and his family, which includes three mini ponies and two dogs. Clover has appeared on national TV in the states and is now a loved member of the Dempsey family. George Clooney Another famous anipal is George Clooney who owns a pig of his own. Clooney’s love to stand out is clearly seen from this little oinker who he treats like family. Clooney’s pig loves the good life like he does; imagine all the jealous females out there? What better way is there to get attention and still have a best companion that the above, the biggest problem is pet food and perhaps the arguments over checkmate with a cockroach. ABOUT THE AUTHOR The Article is written by Cormac Reynolds at www.5hop5.ie providing ZooPlus Promo Codes. Visit http://www.5hop5.ie for more information on www.5hop5.ie Products & Services. Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit www.5hop5.ie before you shop.
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