Requirement management is the most ultimate source which is required to optimize business solutions in a much convenient and economic manner which can extensively leverage on the aspects of documentation of database and analyzing business data which traces, prioritizes and defines requirements which identify business pattern which is identical for the development of business and in the interest of stakeholders. Requirement management is crucial and holds lot of importance because it tracks traceability or tries to establish a link between resources and it is concerned with documenting or analyzing the life of a requirement. It is possible to trace back to the origin of each requirement and every change made to the requirement should therefore be documented and initialized in order to achieve traceability and achieve transparency in the given course of business. Even the use of the requirement ;after the implemented features have been deployed and implemented and its use should be traceable as per the requirement of a particular genre which clearly highlights the essence of business requirement and its usage as per the genre of catering to a new world of business prospects and opportunities. Requirements come from different sources, so it is very important for almost every business to first analyze and understand foremost and most important requirements like the business person ordering the product, the marketing manager and the actual user. These people all have different requirements for the product; so requirement can be customized as per usage and accessibility. Using requirement traceability, an implemented or enhanced feature of execution can be traced back to the person or group that wanted it during the requirements elicitation and allocation for further implementation. Agile software development is a key concept which is propounded on the basis of software development methodologies or structural analysis of data based structure which is based upon iterative and incremental development. It provides solutions or alternative options which are quiet significant and important in the development of solutions which cater extensively upon usage of strategy, release, product planning or scope of improvement, iteration, continuous development regarding product phases or life cycle plans and working on software development which focuses majorly on self organizing or cross function team developments or data analysis structure which helps to garner and prosper the effectiveness of optimized solutions which are highly required for effective business solution software. Agile software development generally has a manifesto or upgradation guidelines which generally focuses upon: *Individuals and interactions: It analyzes process and tools which are required in business. *Working software solution: Simple and comprehensive documentation and detailing which are required in collaboration and maintaining documents. *Customer collaboration: It generally involves maintaining business relation with clients and providing a solution for business growth and contract business negotiation to get a better prospective deal. * Responding to change is an inevitable and exquisite part for scope and development of business solutions. Author is the founder of gather space which is the web based Agile Software Development management technique Using Requirement management between the technical team, the product team, and the customers you will see the productivity in your projects.
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