If you are above 40, you must consider taking a regular routine medical test once. This is because after you become a quadragenerian, your body is likely to get affected of several various diseases. In most of the cases, whether it is a male or a female, as soon as he or she attain the age of forty, arthritis trap them. As a result, they are subject to a lifetime painful condition of the joints. Most of the threat, however, is posed to the knee and hip joints. Total hip replacement surgery is opted when the hip region is under the threat and it is knee replacement treatment when the target is the knee. In this case, however, cartilage restoration is a worth mention. In fact, it’s not only arthritis that can lead one to opt for the total hip replacement or knee replacement surgery. Even if you are injured in an accident or your joints are damaged due to some major faults, you can easily go for the surgical approach. However, there are several rehab sessions that are held for the patients suffering from such painful condition of the joints. During these sessions, the individuals are taught some effective exercises and they are asked to follow the same. Regular practice of the prescribed exercises enables the individuals to recover from the joint pains. In case, the rehab sessions are found to be ineffective, one should opt for the total knee or total hip replacement surgery. In the total hip replacement surgery, the injured hip joint is replaced by prosthesis. The prosthesis is an artificial joint that is designed to fit the structure of the patient’s body well. In case of the knee replacement operation also, the same process is applied. However, many a times, it has been seen that the prosthesis does not suit the body of the individuals, mostly in women. This is because the females have a different anatomy and hence to meet their requirements, the surgeons design gender specific hip and knee in order to fit their physique in a suitable proportion in the total hip replacement and knee replacement surgeries respectively. Cartilage restoration has great role to play when it comes to curing the joints. It is a cartilage that covers the ends of the bones, where they come in contact with each other. There are two cartilage restoration ways in which the torn cartilages can be treated properly: - Autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI): As the cartilage cannot replace itself, new technique for creating healthy cartilage to replace the injured ones has been introduced. This process is called the autologous chondrocyte implantation. These healthy cartilages ar3e taken from your own body with the help of arthroscopy and it is applied on only selected patients.
- Arthroscopic surgery: It is used to remove the torn pieces of the cartilage and then sew the same back together.
Restoring the cartilage is necessary. However, in case of the total knee replacement surgery, articular process of restoring the cartilage is preferred. Thus, if you are going through any such painful condition because of either the hip pains or knee pains, opting for total hip replacement or knee replacement would surely help.
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