Adults with Asperger syndrome must not be taken for granted for they are delicate and have problems in communication, social relationships, and interest. They may look like normal person but they need help in their social interaction. The syndrome can take place if individuals are never detected to have the condition in their earlier years. Most of the symptoms adults with asperger manifests are similar to children with asperger syndrome. However, the coping mechanism is upgraded into a level that can be manageable. The major symptoms of Asperger syndrome in adults is the problem in communicating verbally and creating relationships. They have difficulty in engaging and starting a conversation with other people. Adults may lack eye contact and may have few facial expressions. They may develop social anxiety. The difficulty in starting and maintaining a relationship can be quite difficult for them, because it requires good communication skills and the ability to interact socially with others. To make a relationship work, it is important to understand the emotions and feelings of the other person. Thus this is what an individual with asperger has difficulty with. They may have a hard time making and understanding friendship and on how to develop it to sexual and make it intimate which is vital component to keep the relationship going. Patience and understanding are significant acts to couples and to those with Asperger partners. Problems in dealing with their emotions or the lack to empathize are somehow possible to those adults with aspergers. They cannot read or understand humor or sadness of other people. They also have trouble in showing their thoughts and feelings towards others. They do not seem to take interest in sharing their experiences and achievements as well. With all these kind of behaviors, they are always misunderstood by other people. Others think they are selfish, insensitive, egoistic, hardhearted and cold. Another symptom in an adult with Asperger syndrome is having poor muscle coordination. There are possibilities that delay in the development of their motor skills during their childhood are present. They are clumsy, and have awkward posture and movements. They have problem in balance, their handwriting and visual insight. But the good thing about Asperger syndrome in adults is that they have average to above average intelligence. They have exceptional visual and auditory perception. Concentrating in their field of their interest and hobbies are most likely promising. Their obsession on the subject they interest in can make them excel in the line of their work. There is a fact that an adult with Asperger syndrome has a high logical thinking and exceptional abilities in math or science. These people are capable to act normal in their daily lives. It's possible for them to get married, have children, to become professional, get employed, and to have independent lives. This can be done through alleviating the symptoms through the help of cognitive behavioral therapy especially in speech therapy and counseling. The help of medical professionals and therapists on this matter is highly recommended. Adult with Asperger syndrome will learn to develop some coping mechanisms to help with their symptoms. For more transforming strategies for ADHD, visit
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