What is Punarnava? The word Punarnava stands for body renewal. Latin name of Punarnava is 'Boerhavia Diffusa'. It is also known as 'Lal Punarnava', 'Beshakapore' and ‘Spreading Hogweed'. In Ayurveda, Punarnava herb is most widely used in treatment of renal and urinary problems. Punarnava is excellent anti-inflammatory and diuretic. It is used as a heart tonic and kidney tonic. It is found throughout the India especially in rainy season. Punarnava is excellent anti-inflammatory and diuretic. It tastes bitter and pungent. The whole plant has medical benefits especially roots. In Ayurveda, Punarnava herb is most widely used in treatment of renal problems and urinary tract infections. Punarnava Himalaya Herb is used to treat jaundice, general fever and obesity. It is also used as anti-inflammatory and diuretic agent. It is used as a heart tonic and kidney tonic. The juice of Punarnava root is useful for the people having night blindness. Externally Punarnava is used to reduce the pain and swelling. It helps to remove mucous from bronchial tubes hence it is effective against asthma. The roots of the plants are useful to kill intestinal worms. One of the best natural herbal cure for respiratory diseases. Recent studies have shown its effectiveness in fever like malaria, jaundice and constipation complaints. Due to its high diuretic properties it is very beneficial in the swelling recovery. Dosage: It is suggested to take one capsule twice a day before meals. Note: Recommended only at the age of 14 years and above. Since the product is in capsule form, some children below 14 years may have difficulty to swallow. Benefits: - Boerhavia diffusa is an Ayurvedic natural remedy used traditionally in treatment of renal and urinary problems.
- Punarnava herb acts as kidney tonic as it has property of diuretic, helps to maintain efficient kidney functioning.
- Punarnava from Himalaya Herbals is a natural remedy to enhance lungs functioning and respiratory health.
- Himalaya Punarnava is an effective herbal medicine in the treatment of cough, anemia, constipation, paralysis, and nervous weakness.
- Punarnava Himalaya Ayurvedic product promotes mucous removal from bronchial tubes and hence beneficial in the treatment of Asthma.
- Punarnava herb is also helpful in reducing weight-loss and to get rid of obesity problems.
- It is also useful in improving appetite, jaundice, and general fever.
- Roots are used by the people having night blindness.
Side Effects: Since, Himalaya Punarnava is Natural Herbal Medicine; No major side effects have been reported in medical journals. About Onlineherbs OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal health supplements for healing various diseases. Punarnava from Himalaya is a Natural Alternative Medicine that bears anti-inflammatory properties, very effective in the treatment of renal and urinary problems.
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Punarnava herb, Boerhavia Diffusa, Heart tonic, Kidney Problems, Weight Loss, Obesity, Renal Problems, Urinary Problems, Respiratory Disease, Anti-Inflammatory,