Children with Asperger syndrome are capable of coping with their condition and they are likely to grow up to be independent and resembling to a normal adult. However, most of them will continue to show slight disturbances in social interactions, like difficulty of using non-verbal behaviors in social interaction. Their eye contact and facial expressions are quite impaired, they cannot maintain eye contact when they are communicating with others and their facial expressions are in flat affect. They may also not smile when others are smiling or greeting them. Those with Asperger syndrome will have problem in forming peer relationships. They prefer to be alone and they show lack of interest in others. Lastly, they have difficulty in showing their emotions. With all these problems, they have a higher risk to develop some complications like psychosis, depressions, anxiety and emotional problems in the later years and worst to become delusional and paranoid. Depression is a common complication among teens and adults with Asperger syndrome. They are aware that they are different from others like lacking the abilities to socialize. They want to fit in a group of friends but they feel bad because they unable to approach and start a conversation with them. This can result to poor low self esteem and depression. Some of them have the tendency to commit suicide especially to those who are not yet diagnosed with this condition. In anxiety and frustrations, it is common in children with Aspergers syndrome when they cannot properly express what they want, need and feels if there is something wrong with them. They become frustrated and this will lead to aggression or violent behavior. In young adults with this syndrome, they feel anxious when they want to have friends but cannot have one. Another is they cannot join in a physical sports for they have problem in motor skills and they cannot follow simple instructions in an activity game. In adults with the Asperger syndrome, they have problems in doing their jobs for it is difficult for them to organize things. They have issues in their relationship and marital situations as well. Through proper management, further complications for those with Asperger Syndrome can be avoided. Families, friends, and loved ones who interact with people with Asperger syndrome must be aware of the symptoms of depressions and anxiety. The symptoms of depressions are: people exhibit sleep problems, loss of interest in hobbies or work, difficulty in sleeping and they may develop insomnia, problem in eating that cause weight gain or weight loss, they cannot concentrate and they feel guilt and helplessness. Families must also knowledgeable to some coping mechanisms to control anger and aggression. Through therapies, they may know some calming methods to calm when someone is angry, frustrated and anxious. Loved ones can also seek medical help to prescribed medicines that alleviate anxiety and depression. It is important to seek an opinion of a physician or therapist to deal with these possible complications brought by Asperger syndrome. For more transforming strategies for ADHD, visit
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