You are absolutely wrong, if you think that halibut fishing cannot be done through the whole year. You can get the fun of halibut fishing at any point of the year provided you are aware of the tips and techniques to catch this particular specie. Before setting off for your halibut fishing trips, you will have to learn some important tips in order to have a successful halibut fishing experiences. Choosing right time: The perfect time for halibut fishing is during incoming tide. Hope you are well versed with the impact of tidal effect on fishing. If unfortunately you fail to catch them during incoming tide, then high tide is also favorable for fishing this specie. Often many anglers believe that fishing halibut before a full moon will ensure guaranteed success. Best bait: There are mainly four types of baits for fishing halibuts. They are live squid, anchovies, sardines and queen fish. Hooking of the bait must be done properly. The best result can be achieved if the hook can be punctured through the eyes or mouth. Proper equipments: Well balanced rod and reel is most important for fishing halibut. The line must weigh maximum of fifteen pounds. Always remember to choose a light colored line as halibuts are visibly sensible to lines. Perfect hooking technique: Make sure that the hook which is to be used for halibut fishing must be sharp enough. Since halibut possess a bony mouth, hooking is impossible without a sharp hook. Proper rigging methods: Egg sinker can be used. The sinker must be set about 18 to 24 inches above the leader. The sinkers must be 1/8 to two ounces in size. Use of chum bags: Halibuts use sounds, smell and sight to find food. This can be used as quick tips to attract them. It is always better to fill up the chum bags with baits of different types such as salmon head, guts into it to attract more halibuts. Proper fishing location: Perfect fishing spots must be selected for fishing halibuts. Proper fishing bait, tackles may not be enough to earn you success in this type of fishing unless perfect fishing spots are being identified. Big boat: For halibut, you will need a boat that is capable of handling large fish and rough water. The boat must have enough power to tackle any situation arising in the middle of the sea. The best boat size recommended is 22 to 28 feet with a beam of minimum eight feet. Aluminum boats are considered to be the idle boat type for halibut fishing. If you want to know more halibut fishing, then you can go through the fishing reports available online. More over halibut fishing needs practice and experience. If you want to achieve success, keep on practicing with the above mentioned tips.
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