Irritable Bowel Syndrome, for those who suffer from it know that it can be painful and uncomfortable with symptoms like bloating, cramps, all sorts of abdominal pain and constipation. It is also very common and unfortunately there's no real cure for it. Many doctors will automatically get their patients off of dairy products whether they test them or not, this action from the doctor is usually because they really have no idea of what to do about it. Probiotics? Some probiotic supplements have given some relieve to abdominal pains and bloating, and getting bowel movements a bit more regular while other sufferers get no help from them at all because many supplements have strains of bacteria that are of no help and even worse, actually have a negative effect, making it difficult for the user to find a right one if even possible. Help from prebiotics Scientific studies have shown that prebiotics support and feed the good bacteria (probiotics) in our intestinal tract, making it grow and therefore helping to improve digestive functions. Prebiotics are vital nutrients we get from certain foods we eat. They do not get digested and leave zero calories in their tracks but only nutrients such as fiber, enzymes and phenols. The rest of the fiber ends up in the large intestine (colon) where it really does it's magic by fermenting and therefore producing short chain fatty acids. Researchers now believe these acids have the ability to stop the dangerous bacteria in there called pathogens from clinging to our intestinal wall where they will develop as tissue cells and if left to keep going may eventually become polyps. These polyps are what can turn into colon cancer so this is very important stuff to be aware of. Unfortunately if you suffer from IBS symptoms there is no one definate cure, and some things that work for one person have no affect on another so individual trial and error is necessary. Like most other symptoms and diseases in the digestive system the cause usually is linked to diet, and in our western world the foods we eat contain nowhere near the necessary nutrients our intestines need to properly support our digestive system. Take the pro's advice Researchers are telling us that more quality and nutrient-rich foods are needed to have a healthy digestive system but instead we feed it way too much unsaturated fat, and loads refined sugar, it's no wonder most of us complain about at least one digestion-related symptom. Kiwifruit can help There have been studies to show that kiwifruit helps IBS sufferers who have more problems with constipation. The kiwifruit, because of it's high fiber and water content was useful to get things moving better. Learn more about prebiotics for IBS, the power of kiwifruit and it's benefits for complete natural digestion health - visit for more information
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