In treating a child with Asperger Syndrome, it is very helpful if all members of the family are involved, also their teachers, close friends, and anyone who cares for them. They must also inform health providers who are caring for their child what others are doing in the treatment. With the help and care given in a child, he or she may experience like a normal children. Therapy that focuses in social skills training is very important to improve the problem in social interaction. The effective way of training is by training by groups. In social skills training, patients are given smaller and simple tasks that are appropriate to their age and they can easily remember. Various methods are used teach training, like direct instructions, role playing, modeling, and support of positive interactions. Allow your child with Asperger do this. Training includes communication therapy where it teaches about conversational skills. It is helpful in improving nonverbal communication and social awareness. Parents must provide clear explanations to their children of why there are having unusual behaviors or mannerism, and they must teach rules for those odd behaviors. Parents should encourage their child to learn how to interact with other people, what to do when spoken to, and explain its importance, start by greeting strangers, introducing themselves, starting and maintaining conversation, joining conversation, and ending conversation. Treatment of Asperger Syndrome is primarily non-pharmacological and essentially supportive. A cooperative play skills which includes: initiating play games in a group, joining in game, and dealing of losing or winning in a game, and ending a game activity. Parents should encourage their child to participant to every game activity. Another is friendship management skill which includes: dealing with peer pressure, calling someone on the telephone, and answering telephone calls. Another useful therapy for children with Asperger is the emotional management skills. Parents must help their child understand others' feelings by role-playing and watching and discussing human behaviors seen in movies or on television. Provide a model for their child by telling him or her about their own feelings and reactions to those feelings. It teaches Asperger children to recognize and understand thoughts and feelings of themselves and others. It composed of self-regulation where the tasks are recognizing feelings, keeping calm, problem solving, understanding and dealing anger. Next is empathy, like cheering up a friend when he or she is upset. Last is the managing conflictual situation or conflict management, where task are accepting criticism, dealing with rejection or left out, and having a respectful attitude. Overall, parents play a large role in managing children with Asperger syndrome. Treatment for these children makes every effort to improve the abilities of children to interact with other people and to function effectively. For more transforming strategies for ADHD, visit
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