Undergoing a refractive lens exchange to remove a cataract is very quick and completely painless. The procedure involved in this type of cataract operation is to remove the hardened, cloudy lens of the eye and replace it with a brand new artificial lens. The procedure takes very little time and the recovery period is extremely short. Typically patients can be back at work 3 days later and see a total return to normal life. Before the procedure some eye drops will be administered into the eye that contain anaesthetic. Once the local anaesthetic has taken affect, the treatment will begin. A refractive lens exchange takes just 20 minutes. The lens used is an advanced Intra Ocular Lens that not only guarantees a cataract can never return, it restores youthful vision and provides exceptional focusing power too. People who have this type of refractive lens exchange can expect total freedom from glasses long into the future. Following the procedure, patients can relax in the recovery room for as long as they require. During this time it is possible to have a little something to eat and drink and wait quietly for the anaesthetic to wear off. Usually just an hour or so is required before patients feel ready to leave and return home. Getting a good night’s sleep is important following the procedure and although eyes may be a little blurry after the treatment, the eyes will be much clearer the following day. Usually only 2 or 3 days of rest are needed before being able to return to work. If you work in a particularly smoky or dusty environment then additional time off will be required however. The consultant who performed the procedure will need a follow up consultation to ensure the eyes are healing as they should be. Usually this will take place within the first week. During the check up you will be advised on what activities you can take part in and what should be avoided. It is always advisable to avoid straining the eyes in the days following cataract surgery. This may mean avoiding television and reading for a few days. It may be necessary to take some eye drops to help the eyes heal - your consultant will advise you on this. You will also be given a contact number to ring in the case of any problems in the following days and weeks. There are very few risks involved with refractive eye surgery. There may be a small amount of additional treatment needed to help fine tune the eyesight but this is very quick and easy to do and doesn’t involve surgery. Having a cataract lens implant means that not only is the cataract dealt with effectively, it can never return. Because cataracts come on slowly, many people do not realise how badly their eyesight was being affected. Following the procedure to replace the lens, the improvements are instantly noticeable. Strong eyesight returns a few days following treatment, but it continues to improve for up to 6 weeks. A refractive lens exchange truly is a remarkable treatment that greatly improves eyesight and a person’s quality of life. If you are interested in having cataract surgery you should talk to your local eye centre. They can provide information about where this type of treatment is available and if it is appropriate for you. The procedure for cataract removal surgery is very quick and takes only a couple of days to recover from. This makes it a very effective treatment. Cataract eye operation is not a long drawn out process. Patients can be back at work just a few days later and see their life return to normal quickly, albeit with much better sight!
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