Patience is the state of showing a positive reaction even on a difficult circumstance. It is very important that in everything you do, you possess the character of being a patient child. If you fail to practice patience even starting from childhood, you will grow up to be an impatient adult. It will hinder you to acquire success later on. You will be prone to being agitated, upset and angry all the time. This will make you into a person with few friends because people will find it hard to be-friend you. Here are some of the reasons why you should be patient all the times. Patience will help you acquire more goals. If you show patience even on little things, you will be able to learn many ideas, skills and talents. A patient child is eager and willing to learn new things everyday. You will be open for skills that others may share with you. When you are patient and persistent to learn, then you will maximize your abilities and you will discover new talents that are within you. You will have the endurance to learn and master everything. This will make you into a friendly, skillful and successful person. Patience will avoid the feeling of frustration. A child full of patience does not easily give up despite the trials and hardships. You are willing to do everything in order for you to be good on something and to reach your goal. When you have failed, you will have the courage to go on and try other things that might work for you. A patient child will not easily be discouraged and frustrated. Trials will only make you stronger when you are patient. When you are patient, good things will happen to you and you will have the strength to live by your dreams. Patience helps manage anger. When you are patient, you will be able to control your feeling of disappointment, embarrassment and hatred. You will be able to turn the whole situation into a positive one. A patient child will think first before he or she reacts. This will give you time to settle things out in an orderly manner. When you are impatient, you will easily get mad and say things that will be unproductive for you and the person you are angry with. You will never be happy if you are full of anger in your heart. Impatience results in anger that produces a heavy heart. Being patient will give you great advantages in life. It will make you into a better person who is able to handle his or her self even on the difficult times. Your parents will be the happiest person if they see you grow up with full of patience. You should learn to practice it even at home or in the community. Everyday is a training ground wherein you can test how patient you are. This will make you into a happier and successful person. Patience is an important skill that can help you to acquire more skills as you continue to grow and learn each day. For more transforming strategies for ADHD, visit
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