1. Cable Fire Accident Features When the cable fire accident, fire fierce, burning fast, big smoke damage. Cable in the combustion produce large amounts of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen chloride and other harmful gases. The formation of hydrogen chloride gas will dilute hydrochloric acid attached Electric Components, so that the insulation of electrical equipment decreased, and even cause a short circuit, the electrical components were removed in dilute hydrochloric acid corrosion problems. In addition, because small cable around the activity area, resulting in fighting difficult to repair a long time, suffered serious losses. 2. Cable fire causes 1. Cable tunnels piled debris, cable or cable bracket on the fouling too thick, cable tunnels combustible gas, flammable liquid leakage, high temperatures or open flame ignition, fire or explosion. 2. Cable and heat pipes too close or too long cable load, high temperature insulation material so that the aging, resulting in electrical insulation, breakdown ignition. 3. Protective layer of the cable was damaged when the cable laying or cable insulation in operation by the mechanical damage caused by white and the outer cable insulation breakdown between. 4. Oil cable laying high, low relatively large gap occurred drip oil or cable head permeability phenomena, resulting in high end cable insulating oil drain or dry, increasing resistance, insulation breakdown coking and fire. 5. Cable Joints are not tight crimping, welding is not strong, so running the cable connector oxidation; into the middle connector box cable insulation material dose not meet the requirements, or the infusion when the Box memory has holes; cable box sealed poor or damaged crack immersed in moisture, so that insulation breakdown, fire explosion. Surface of moisture or 2.6 cable head of Pollution, cable head casing broken porcelain and Lead phase distance is too small and so lead to flashover fire. 3. Countermeasure 1. First of all, pay great attention from the ideology, strict design, purchase, installation, maintenance and repair of all aspects of the whole process of governance, improve cable reliability. 2. Regular cleaning cable or cable bracket on the fouling, keep them clean. 3. Strengthen inspections to run cable maintenance, long-term overload against cable high temperature operation, laying cable, according to standard requirements. 4. Oil level as possible the laying of cables to reduce the cable's high, low difference. 5. Cable head to meet the standard requirements, to avoid poor contact caused by the operation of fever, more concentrated in the cables do not do cable connector tunnel as far as possible, as must be done, the joints of measures to be taken encapsulated iron pipe, fittings and its adjacent areas on both sides should brush Fire retardant coating Or increase the fire with a flame retardant package. Concentration of the first side by side in a number of occasions cable should be added between the cable head partition or fill Flame Retardant To avoid the failure of a cable head first implicated the safety of other normal cable operation. 6. Cable tunnel should be kept dry Ventilation To prevent cable corrosion leading to flooding, should be located in the ventilation hole in the water wells, and to drain to the ground. 7. To the cable to minimize fire losses, in addition to the implementation of cable fire, flame measures must also be installed automatically Alarm With the necessary fire-fighting installations and equipment. The e-commerce company in China offers quality products such as Ego-t Electronic Cigarette , VGO E-cig, and more. For more , please visit Ego-t Electronic Cigarette today!
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