In simplistic terms Lab Information system refers to the e-management of business operations in a healthcare facility. It manages and optimises laboratory data and related information through the use of computer networks that include disciplines such as hematology, microbiology etc. The software used provide modules that act as a communication link between a user and the laboratory instruments to send orders and then keeping a track on them, recording the results after they are available. The recorded data can then be added to a patient's medical record or for billing purposes. A typical example of the application of lab information system is the diagnosis procedure of a patient. A patient after being examined is subjected to some tests in order to ascertain the cause of his/her health which a doctor can order through the system. The whole system synchronises the workflow that starts with the order of tests and continues with the results and analysis that will result in further diagnosis. In short the second a patient arrives in a facility till the moment he is discharged; the whole time period of his/her admittance is managed using the Information system that might involve numerous tests, results, billing etc. Various laboratory functions like management of laboratory instruments, samples, standards etc. can be efficiently managed with the system. The complexity of lab procedures like specimen collection and processing are well managed through the implementation of lab informatics. It streamlines the whole process that saves time, cuts down unnecessary paperwork, keeps in check wastage of resources and improves efficiency. The end results- better quality of healthcare services are available to the patient and a track of a health can be maintained for future references. The basic feature includes patient check-in, patient demography, tests-order, results and reports etc. Another amalgamation of information technology and healthcare is in nursing. Nursing is a frontline job that puts a nurse at times in charge of the health of an individual who through judgement assesses as to who needs attention and of what type ahead of even the doctor. The idea behind combining informatics and nursing is to focus on reducing errors in healthcare and making the communication process more streamlined and immune to error. The objective that nursing information system carries are integrating patient data, ensuring the accuracy of information as well as maintaining confidentiality etc. The function of Nurse Information Systems include Patient care that may range from registration to discharge including examinations, treatments, preparing and maintaining medical record etc. in between. Another function is to ensure optimum utilisation of resources and healthy functioning of the ward services. This may range from ensuring the quality of services to management of human resources and equipments as well. Besides this, it also takes care of the communication process between a doctor and a patient that will include orders on the type of treatments, prescriptions and any other kind of communiqué. The visible benefits of this system are improvement in nursing workflow, accurate and efficient documentation of data, minimal human error that may delay or result in wrong prescription etc. Our comprehensive healthcare information system designed for the professionals in healthcare industry provides a simple, user-friendly software product that ensures smooth workflow in all the departments of a healthcare facility. Many major hospitals all over the globe are enjoying the benefits of our system finding to be a massive help in overcoming many hurdles that arise in administration and other complex procedures. Adequate training services are provided to the personnel in optimising the usage of software. In addition we provide an excellent consultancy services to the hospitals as well.
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