Whether or not it is unsafe, speeding is a fact of driving and most people are guilty of doing it. Most speeders are comfortable enough with the idea of excessive speed that they do it unconsciously. On roads where there are few police officers speeders can get comfortable with the habit, but this changes in an environment where they run the risk of arrest. Nothing makes a habitual speeder quite as uncomfortable (or defiant) as a ticket. Nothing makes the purchase of a radar detector more attractive to them either. How police radar guns and civilian radar detectors work- really! Boiled down to its simplest elements a radar gun could be described as a broadcasting and receiving device that can be used to measure the speed of an object. Like all Doppler radio a radar gun sends out an electromagnetic wave. The wave bounces off whatever object it is pointed at. The waves that bounce back to the radar gun are termed an "echo" and are analyzed by the device. The radar gun can detect the speed of a vehicle by the nature of the echo bouncing back toward it. The electromagnetic wave that the gun sends out can be detected, and that was how radar detectors came to be invented. Radar detectors detect the radar gun's signal and warn the driver to slow down in time to avoid being ticketed. Now, if things had just stopped at that point it would all be simple, but then speeding drivers would be getting away with speeding and speed-limits would be worthless. So, no, it did not stop there what ensued could be termed a technological arms race. In order to get around the radar detectors the radar guns each got more clever. On the police end, the radar gun frequencies got lower. The time it took to get a reading on how fast a driver was going became shorter. On the driver's side radar detectors then became better able at picking up the low signals that were sent out for a shorter duration of time. The police also introduced devices that could detect if a driver was using a radar detector. The civilian radar detectors started including detectors for those devices too, so that the main detector could be turned off and thus be undetectable. LIDAR This is the next step in speed detection and uses light instead of radar waves in order to detect the speed at which a vehicle is traveling. The range is shorter and the devices are more expensive, so most police officers still have the minimal Doppler version. There are already devices in use to jam the LIDAR devices. Dave Lashier writes Radar Detector Reviews for such radar detectors as Cobra 9970g. Please visit Radardetectorreviewsv.com to find great prices on Radar Detectors!
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