What You need to Know Before You Get Pregnant The road to conception can be troubled or smooth depending on the individual couple. Some couples have no trouble conceiving, while others that it takes years before they are able to become pregnant. There are many factors that can affect successful conception, and understanding some basic things can make your journey easier. If you are trying to conceive, here are a few things to keep in mind. 1. Know Your Monthly Cycle. One of the best ways to increase your chances of becoming pregnant is to become acquainted with how your monthly cycle works. Every woman is different and in some cases, every cycle is different. Before you conceive, be sure to map and chart the pattern of your cycle from beginning to end. Keep track of the first day of your period and when you ovulate, and especially things that may influence changes in the pattern. This information will help you determine when you are most likely to be able to conceive and when you should be scheduling intercourse. It may not be very romantic to schedule it in, but if you do want to conceive, you need to take advantage of that window of opportunity when it arrives. 2. Predict Your Monthly Ovulation. In order to find that window of opportunity, you need to know when you ovulate. There is a period of five days within each cycle that you are at your most fertile and are most likely to conceive. These are the three days preceding ovulation and the day following ovulation. Once you know when this occurs, you can greatly increase the likelihood of fertilization. Once an egg is released from an ovary, it only has a period of 24 hours when it remains viable. It is vital to make sure that intercourse occurs as close to this time as possible. While you can become pregnant at any time during those five days, it is best to try to time your ovulation and intercourse as closely together as possible. 3. Get Healthy Ahead of Time. In order to be at your most fertile, you need to take care of yourself. Taking prenatal vitamins prior to conception along with a proper diet will build the proper environment for conception to occur. Also being checked out ahead of time by a doctor may be a big help as well. Discuss with your doctor any irregularities with your monthly cycles to spot problems you may not know about. If you have questions about ovulation or learning more about your body, it is important to have these questions answered ahead of time. Get plenty of rest and practice a healthy lifestyle. Removing stress from your life will be a big help to becoming pregnant. Also be sure to take good care of your body. You'll be asking it to undergo a great task over the next nine months and you owe it to yourself and your future child to be as healthy as possible ahead of time to reduce the stress and troubles that may occur. Successful conception isn’t necessarily difficult. Remember that normal healthy couples can take a year or more to conceive naturally. By paying attention to this advice, you can increase your chances of becoming pregnant in less time. Remember, if you don't conceive right away, don't get disheartened. Just keep trying and barring any fertility issues you should be able to conceive a happy and healthy baby. Alan C Williams is the father of 4 kids, and has helped his wife through a few trials. He writes about Morning Sickness Remedies, and other family related things at http://morningsicknessremedieshq.com.
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