Asperger syndrome (AS) is named after the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger. In 1940, he first characterized a set of behavior patterns evident in some of his patients, which are generally males. Asperger also become aware that even though these boys had normal cognitive and linguistic development, they had severely impaired social skills, were not capable to communicate or converse effectively with friends, and had poor coordination or synchronization. In 1944, he studied and illustrates children in his practice who do not have non verbal communication skills, is showing narrow empathy with their friends and are basically clumsy or lumbering. An outstanding version of Dr. Asperger's original paper is provided by Dr. Uta Frith in her Autism and Asperger Syndrome. Asperger's Disorder is a milder classification of Autistic Disorder. In fact, both the Asperger's Disorder and Autistic Disorder are subgroups of a larger diagnostic group. According to studies, this larger group mostly in European countries is called either Autistic Spectrum Disorders or in the United States, Pervasive Developmental Disorders or PDD. Asperger is also an autism spectrum disorder that is described by significant complexities in social interaction together with limited and repetitive or rhythmic patterns of behavior, activities and interests, and had odd speech patterns and other unusual mannerisms. Children with this disorder often have limited facial expressions and have hard time reading the body language of other people. They also might employ in obsessive habits and show an extraordinary sensitivity to sensory stimuli. For instance, they may be bothered by the sounds in the environment that they tend to cover their ears to block out the sounds. They may want to wear clothing made up of a specific material that they like. Or they may also be troubled with a light that no one else even notices. The affected persons are characterized by social isolation and eccentric behavior in childhood years. It varies from other autism spectrum disorders by its relation to preservation of linguistic or speech and cognitive or mental development. Thus there are problems or impairments in two-pronged social interaction and non-verbal communication. A characteristic of clumsiness may be high up both in their verbalization or articulation and gross motor behavior. They frequently have a bounded area of interest which typically leaves no space for more age appropriate or common interests. Examples of which are the meteorology, astronomy or history trains, cars, door knobs, hinges, cappuccino, etc. Even though Asperger do not require diagnosis, physical clumsiness and uncharacteristic use of language are regularly reported. There are many researches and studies that they've conducted regarding Asperger's Syndrome which states that the onset of Asperger is later than of what is distinctive in autism or at least it is known soon after '" according to the Asperger Syndrome Coalition of the United States. As what researches have shown, a number of children are diagnosed after age 3, with the majority diagnosed between the ages of 5 and 9. Asperger's Syndrome are known as spectrum disorders for the reason that the symptoms of each can appear or materialize in diverse combinations and in changeable degrees of severity. It has been studied the two AS children with the same diagnosis, though they may share specific patterns of behavior, can display a wide range of skills and abilities. For more transforming strategies for ADHD, visit
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