Children who learn and help with the responsibilities at home develop a sense of importance, belonging and high self-esteem. It is very important that you start to accept responsibility even at an early age of childhood. This will make you feel useful and important inside your home. It is a nice feeling when you are helpful and responsible at the same time. It also develops your talents and it helps you discover more potential that you are capable of doing. Here are some responsibilities that you can do at home. You can help with the meal planning and grocery shopping. You can suggest what type of meals you want during the day. You can go with your parents when they go out for grocery. You could help them in getting the things they want to buy and helping them not to forget about the things that are needed in the house. You can prepare your simple breakfast or snack. This can include making your own sandwich or preparing your cereals. You should be able to pour your juice or chocolate drink in your glass. You should do it carefully to avoid too much mess. After eating, you can clean up the table so your Mom wouldn't need to clean the table. Throw into the garbage can all the wrappers and food particles that were left in the table. You can help putting ingredients into a recipe. This includes tearing and putting lettuce into the salad or shredding cheese on top of the spaghetti. This should be done with the permission of your parents. Do not play with the food because this might ruin your entire meal. You can prepare your own bed and clean your room. Before you go to sleep, you can prepare your own bedding like your pillows and blanket. Clear out your bed so you can sleep comfortably during the night. Put your toys and things in their proper places. Also, you can sweep the floor of your bedroom using the broom and dustpan. You can wipe your study table, shelves, cabinets and windows to avoid accumulation of dust inside your room. You can choose your own outfit for the day. Try your best to choose your preference for a certain day. Just make sure that you are comfortable with what you are wearing. You can prepare it during the night so you would avoid cramming the following day. But when you are unsure of your preference, you can ask your parents about their suggestions. You can help separating clothes for laundry and folding clean clothes after laundry. You can do this by separating the white clothes with the colored ones. You can also help gathering the laundry from the bedrooms of your parents and siblings and putting them in the laundry area. When the clothes are dry after laundry, you can help folding them and putting them in the closets of your parents and siblings. You can feed your own pets and clean the living room. When you have dogs or cats at home, you can take charge in giving them food and water. You can help in cleaning the living area by sweeping the floor, putting the trash into the garbage and putting things in their proper places. By just doing these simple things, you will be able to help with minimizing the workload of your parents and you develop a sense of responsibility which will develop you into a better individual when you grow up. For more transforming strategies for ADHD, visit
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