Computerized physician order entry is the product of modern technology that equips a medical practitioner to maintain patient's treatment records electronically. Using the system a doctor can issue orders regarding treatments, tests and prescriptions over a secured computer network to the rest of the medical staff. What makes this system important is that it has records of a patient's past medical history, current diagnosis, current prescription, images, scans etc. that can be helpful in further treatment. The information can be accessed from any location of the hospital and the information is secured since it can be accessed by only authorised persons. One of the positives of implementing this system is in reduction of medical errors like illegible prescriptions that might result in wrong drugs being administered or drug overdose; which in turn might cause unnecessary complications like allergies etc. It provides for documentation of data electronically like billing information; that in turn is more convenient than the conventional paperwork. It is also possible for doctors to access the information through their laptops, tablet computers as well but only when they have entered password to gain access. The information can be transmitted over internet and network encryption technology is used for the transmission that prevents the data from being subjected to unauthorised use through hacking. One of the uses of this system is in the medical billings. Medical Billing System enables doctors or a hospital to receive payments on treatments given to a patient from insurance agencies. The process of claiming the money was earlier manual i.e. on paper has now been completely replaced by computers or it has been digitised. There are software that help in generating the bill incurred in the whole diagnosis of an individual. They can also be used to keep a track on payments as well. These softwares are designed to work in sync with standardised framework. Medical billing system is a vital element in health sector since it helps the practitioner or institution to get exact reimbursement. The system has made the entire process of billing and claiming efficient and swift. It has sped up the process of submission and clearance, thus saving a lot of time to the doctors, patients and the insurance agency. Also, it has also made the system more error free. Since the whole process requires minute attention, a single error might lead to rejection of claim; the modern software now used in the process has reduced the chances of errors, thereby increasing the accuracy and probability of medical claims being accepted. The medical billing system that one may choose should be carefully examined before installation as the complexity of the system might outweigh the eventual benefits. However this should only make one more aware of their needs since the scale and structure of operations vary from one facility to another. It should not be deterrence as the system saves you time, money and streamlines the whole process. Our comprehensive healthcare information management systems designed for the professionals in healthcare industry provides a simple, user-friendly software product that ensures smooth workflow in all the departments of a healthcare facility and providing you with the most convenient method of maintaining patient's record and billing. Many major hospitals all over the globe are enjoying the benefits of our system finding to be a massive help in overcoming many hurdles that arise in administration and other complex procedures. Adequate training services are provided to the personnel in optimising the usage of software. In addition we provide an excellent consultancy services to the hospitals as well.
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