Self-calming skills are also called anger control skills or coping skills. It gives you control over your emotions so you will be able to avoid being too emotional and impulsive. It is very important, even for you children, to have these skills in order for you to remain calm whenever there are circumstances that you become mad, uncomfortable, uneasy or grumpy. Through these, you will be able to develop a positive attitude without being bad-tempered, strong willed and difficult to handle. Allow time for silence. When you are mad, embarrassed or irritated, give ample time to be silent. When someone tries to ask you or talk to you, you can tell him or her that you need time to be quiet first. When you are feeling okay, you can then talk to the person and express what you feel. This will give you enough time to cool down and think of possible things that you can do to avoid worsening of the situation. You can do a deep breathing. This skill is very simple. You can start with 5 deep breathes. This will allow you to meditate instead of pinching or punching someone when you are very mad. This will bring your focus unto the breathing and will eventually take away your focus from the feeling of anger or revenge. Going to a quiet place can be of help. This will give you time to be away from others and the chaotic environment that you have been. This will give you peace and relaxation. You can go to your room or garden of your house where no one can disturb you. You can ask yourself of what you can gain from being mad or irritated. You can then assess what issues are present at the moment and what you can do to solve them. Take a warm bath or have a massage. When you feel tired from all the activities you have done throughout the day, you are easily irritated and you will feel uneasy. A warm bath can give relief to a tired and grumpy body. After a warm bath, you can ask your parents to give you a simple massage. This will give you a relaxed mind and body. Go for a walk or run. You can go with your parents or siblings for a short walk or run. This will give you time to exercise and move your focus away from the negative feelings you have. While walking or running, you will have time to talk to your parents or siblings about what you are feeling at the moment. These skills can help you to become successful and controlled adults someday. You will learn how to handle and control your emotions. These will help you to develop a positive attitude that will preserve your good relationship with your parents, siblings and friends. It is also important that you listen to any advice that your parents give you so that you will have more knowledge on how to apply and develop these skills. For more transforming strategies for ADHD, visit
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