As you may know, the practice of juicing wheatgrass is one of the best things you can do for your body. When I first discovered wheat grass, it was on an interior decorating show a number of years ago and was being used as a table decoration. I thought it was such a beautiful idea and I had no idea of how beneficial it is when consumed. Years later, I discovered the nutritional benefits and healing properties of this amazing grass so I decided to grow my own. In my thinking, if it grew to about seven inches tall and was free from mold, it was just the same as what I was getting at the health food store and I was saving a lot of money by growing my own. Although some of the wheat grass I purchased at the health food store was grown hydroponically, I did purchase organic potting soil to grow my own, but I had no idea how few minerals were actually in it. I did not know the difference in the nutritional value of hydroponically grown wheat grass and that grown in soil. My high powered blender did a fine job of extracting the juice when a little water was added so I thought I was getting all of the benefits available. It wasn't until I expanded my wheatgrass research effort that I fully understood the difference in juicing machines, wheat berries, and types of soil. Unfortunately, all wheatgrass is not the same. How it is grown, the quality of the berries and the soil in which it is grown determines the nutrient quality of wheatgrass. Just because you purchase your grass or berries from your local health food store or order it from a vendor you found on the internet does not insure that you are getting the best wheatgrass available. It is well worth your effort to diligently search for the best quality wheatgrass. Whether you grow it yourself or purchase pre-grown grass it is in your best interest to make certain that you are getting the very best. Keep in mind that the amount of nutrients can vary quite a bit depending on the way it is grown, the type of wheat berry used, and the type of machine used for juicing, The simple fact is that the juice can only be as good as the wheat berry and the soil it is grown in. If the soil has only a few nutrients, the juice will not have as many nutrients as it should have. If the grass is grown in a highly organic, mineral rich soil, you will experience amazing benefits available through the juicing experience. Another important factor is the type of wheat berry used. By using wheat berries that have the highest amount of protein, the crop will yield a much more nutritional product. It does cost a bit more but as the old saying goes, “you get what you pay for.” All soil is not created equal! Only mineral rich organic soil will do. After all, if you are going to spend your time and energy growing and juicing wheat grass to stay healthy then you will want to do all you can to maximize your results! The best soil is created with compost and has been homogenized & pasteurized… and is full of vitamins and minerals. Buy your soil and wheat berries from a reliable source. If you fail to get this part of wheatgrass juicing preparation right then you will fail to get the results you desire. The bottom line on wheatgrass juicing is that you can’t cut corners. Insist on the best soil, the best berries and conditions for growing, and the best wheatgrass juicer. After all, you are making an investment in your good health and wellness. Richard Weirich is a juicing expert. For more great tips and information on juicing wheatgrass, visit
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