When you think of a high paying job, it always comes down to those four year degrees in college and the other post graduate degrees. But the reality is much different. There are many such domains that also offer a very lucrative monetary package too. All these domains do not even require a bachelor’s degree in some cases. Instead they require the associate degrees. The recent income data statistics shows that people who have the distance learning associate degrees under their collar, they earn around $50,000 and are better in terms of their professional career. A distance learning associate degree is easy to complete in 2 years time as there are several online universities and colleges along with the regular college campuses. If you are employed and do not want to quit your job, then the distance learning associate degrees are the right career path for you. Some of the most popular distance learning associate degrees can be found in the field of medicine. There are positions open in the domains of nuclear medicine, radiation therapy, diagnostic medical sonography, registered nursing, dentistry etc. All these positions offer the salary of around $70,000 per year. In particular, the nursing fields always are in need of good and experienced employees. But unfortunately, there are not many graduates to fulfil these positions. While other domains are facing cut backs, the associate degrees in terms of distance learning in the domain of nursing have absolutely no shortage of offers in terms of job opportunities. What is more, there is stability in this field and you have no worries to deal with regarding job cuts and unemployment. There are many technical jobs that too require the distance learning associate degrees. In the field of nuclear medicine too, there are several high collar jobs that are available for all those who have completed the distance learning associate degrees. There are also vas opportunities in the field of electrical and the electronics engineering domains. Also the aerospace engineering, service technicians, the aircraft mechanics are required for other jobs and all these positions are successfully filled by those people who have completed their distance learning associate degrees. There are also the avionics technicians and the petroleum technicians, geological technicians, mechanical engineering technicians and of course the forensic science technicians are also much in demand. Some other fields that require the distance learning associate degrees are the airline pilots, court reporters, funeral directors, the pharmaceutical business etc. All these jobs also offer very lucrative packages in terms of salary and anyone who comes handy with the distance learning associate degrees can have some great earning potential in all these domains. Now that you know what the job prospects are when you complete the distance learning associate degrees within the tenure of two years, what are you waiting for? Rush to the nearest online university or the online institute and enrol yourself for the distance learning associate degrees now and step towards a bright future that offers a great career opportunity along with lucrative earnings.
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