According to Martha Stout, PhD, author of The Sociopath Next Door, about one in 25 individuals is a sociopath. A sociopath is someone who lacks a sense of moral responsibility. They’re often very charming and will look you in the eye and smile, be your friend, then later when you’re not around, do whatever they can to get what they want or even intentionally hurt you for their own pleasure. They have no conscience. Traits of a Sociopath According to Dr. Stout, other characteristics include the following: they look and act like normal people; they never take responsibility for their actions; when confronted with the outcomes of their behavior, they’ll simply deny it and believe their own lies; they see others as “naive” for doing the right thing; they view their friends, family, and partners as possessions, there to serve them; they can instantly recognize someone who is honest, trusting, yet vulnerable and will prey upon them; they appeal for your sympathy; they’re not able to feel any empathy for anyone, they feel bad when they get caught, but it’s not guilt, they feel bad for themselves. Does that sound like anyone you know? We can tell you, based on our work with past life regression, that they’re going to have a very rude awakening when they are faced with their life review on the other side. Where Does Your Conscience Come From? Do you have a conscience? If yes, you may think about killing your insane and sadistic boss, but you would never follow through. We believe there exists a spiritual angle to this. Your parents, we hope, taught you right from wrong. Still, many sociopaths had good parents, so this alone isn’t enough to make someone virtuous. For some, religion has taught them to do the right thing. Perhaps they are “God fearing” or they believe what their spiritual leaders have told them about the consequences of bad behavior. This can be a very positive thing, but potentially harmful regarding behavior that isn’t truly a “sin.” We believe everyone has guardian angels (or spiritual guides, or whatever you want to call them) and they often encourage you to do the right thing. Our findings indicate that past life awareness also contributes to your conscience. If you really messed up in past lives, this time you may be extra careful and overcompensate to avoid making the same mistakes, even if you have no conscious memory of your past lives. What about people who do follow through and commit horrendous acts? Those who, for instance, plan them ahead of time or casually orchestrate them for the heck of it very well may be sociopaths. They may have been born that way, have gradually acquired mental imbalances and, or abuse in their childhood and other experiences may have contributed. For others, believe it or not, our findings indicate to us that demons or dark energy can encourage destructive behavior. Our experience with Spiritual Detox (tm) shows us that although it’s very rare, extreme possession is possible. How to Deal With Sociopaths The author of The Sociopath Next Door gives many tips, including the following: 1) Accept that not everyone has a conscience. 2) Suspect excessive flattery. 3) Abstain from interacting with a sociopath. Cut your losses and avoid them. 4) Trust your instincts. We’ve found that the best way to enhance your intuition is through meditation. Also, handwriting analysis is a proven way to discover red flags. Copyright © Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo Free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Psychic, plus Numerology Decoder Software and more.
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