Cosmetic dentistry can generally be defined as the process of fixing the appearance of a person's teeth. The procedure involves improving/treating a person's oral disorders relating to gums. It may include removal or addition of dental material or may involve treating a person's teeth to improve their appearance (bleaching) or straightening of teeth according to one's face structure. There are several reasons for which people opt for cosmetic dentistry. Some are desirous of age-old visually appealing smile to improve their overall appearance while some seek this to improve their dental defects like gap between teeth, mouth reconstruction to solve problem related to bite, mending broken or chipped tooth or whitening stained teeth. Previously, dentist or orthodontist as they are known in medical parlance were mainly concerned with oral hygiene but the modern field of cosmetic dentistry encompasses not only identifying or treating oral disorders but improving the overall dental appearances through the application of various methods involving the usage of porcelain or composite materials for indirect fillings, veneers for gaps, implants for tooth replacements or aligners for correcting teeth misalignment almost invisibly. One of the dental problems that most people have is malocclusion i.e. Misalignment of teeth or the condition where teeth are crowded. In simple language, occlusion means the way the upper and lower teeth fit together. If they aren't you are having crooked teeth. The upper and lower teeth are ideally aligned in a way that protects the cheeks, lips and tongue from getting bitten. The reason for this may be hereditary, childhood habits, extra or lost teeth, injury to jaw bones etc. The effects may vary depending on the severity of the condition that may range from being mild to severe. Mild problems can be treated with simple cosmetic dentistry procedure while severe require elaborate orthodontic treatment. If one is suffering from this problem Cosmetic dentistry can be the solution. Many of the dental imperfections like crowding or crookedness can be treated through cosmetic dentistry. However, the idea of having teeth straightened leads to images of braces and brackets which is quite unappealing to many and a person may think twice before allowing a foreign apparatus to be fixed to their teeth for over a year and sometimes even more depending on the severity. However, due to the recent advances in the field of cosmetic dentistry it is now possible to have your teeth corrected without the need of wearing braces or brackets anymore in mild or moderate cases. There are aligners which involve unique processes that provide a hygienic and convenient solution to the problem of teeth alignments. The new technique in cosmetic dentistry of brace-less or wire-less or bracket-less corrections have been put under several clinical trials successfully and therefore now introduced for clinical usage which in turn have proven a success in a variety of malocclusions. So from now onwards one need not worry about the braces and wires anymore because new techniques like custom crafted CAD/CAM aligners have made them redundant. ClearPath is a leading provider of these CAD/CAM clear plastic aligners in Asia & Africa. It provides an exciting new, invisible, easy to wear, comfortable, and above all affordable orthodontic system for correction of teeth malalignment. This computerized & digital clinical system is used in hundreds of clinics in the KSA, India, Jordan, UAE, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Syria, Egypt and across the Middle East. Its popularity is growing at an incredible rate.
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