When candida gets to being out of control it can lead to an intestinal yeast infection that occurs in the small intestine. When this occurs an intestinal yeast infection treatment in the form of an antifungal medication is one kind of option that can be obtained. This can be gotten by seeing a doctor who can prescribe an antifungal medication if you choose to go with this route. However, it might take a lengthy period of time using this medication to make a significant impact in the condition. And, with that medications can also come with side effects as well. It's important to be aware that further discomfort can result upon taking these medications due to the yeast often start to die off rather quickly after it's been taken. Therefore, using a more natural treatment option for intestinal yeast infection is often the best choice. That is why herbs and probiotics are quite often sought for and used. And, there are also some saturated fats that have been seen to help as well. This isn't something that's new at all. It has actually been used even prior to many of the common medicines that are currently being used today. Where there is oregano, garlic and berberine, that are some good herbs which can be used. These can be included into what you eat to assist with taking care of the infection. And, then there are also some shifts that you can take in what you are eating which can be quite helpful too. Going on an antifungal diet is one that can be useful when it comes to eliminating any build up of yeast in the body. This is where carbohydrate and sugars need to be significantly limited. Also, there are some natural foods containing yeast that should really be stayed away from if possible. Any sort of packaged or processed foods should also be reduced in consumption. While it's fine to still eat foods that are thought to be carbs, go easy on the amount you consume, and which ones. Corns, beans or peas are the kind of carbs you will want to go after. Left for too long it can deteriorate and have you feeling a lot worse. Seeing your physician is your best bet as they can often help you to determine what the most viable option of treatment will be. It's important to realize that prescribed medications need not be the only option out there as there are also some safe alternatives too. If you would like to gain more in depth information about intestinal yeast infection, these guides may be very helpful and worth taking a look at: the best yeast infection treatment
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