Availing international calling cards is certainly a very wise decision in every sense of the word, since communication is a very basic need, and international calling charges do not spare anyone! Comparing this with other options, convenience is not the only factor that is the big advantage, as there are many other significant monetary considerations. The most obvious alternative, i.e., taking a domestic SIM card on international travels, does not only result in an exponential increase in phone bills, there is almost a perpetual situation of dropped calls and unclear voice quality. This might be acceptable to some in case of personal calls with family and friends, but in case of communication with business partners and office colleagues, it does not augur well in any sense of the word. The next choice is Voice Over Internet Protocol, which is also quite an affordable alternative, plus the fact that internet is available practically in all parts of the world. However, the problem here is almost the same as the former, i.e., voice quality and clarity, since irrespective of how fast the data transfer speeds are, there are fluctuations, and connections get disrupted and disconnected. The last option, calling via a pay phone, is not only the most impractical of the lot, but is also extremely expensive (somewhere around the tune of having a domestic SIM card). That being set, Matrix international SIM cards are a great way of saving up to 80% on every call, and one will also enjoy fantastic network coverage. However, that is not the only benefit, as there are also many lucrative rewards coming the way of people who subscribe to the world's leading calling card. For instance, people who are members of the King Club (Kingfisher Airlines) can now get double their King Miles on every Rs. 100 spent on a Matrix international SIM card recharge. Another great benefit is for those looking for a reliable high limit Platinum credit card. Now, one can apply for a Matrix Platinum Deutsche Bank Credit Card and also earn free talk time. Further, for students studying in US, calling credit worth more than $ 35 can be availed for free when they fly via British Airways, in the form of 50 calling minutes to India. Also, in case of students studying in the UK, talk time worth £ 89 (in the form of 255 calling minutes for calls to India) is available when they fly via British Airways. And when it comes to studying in Germany, USA and UK, Lufthansa offers fantastic discounts as well, in the form of free talk time if students choose the airlines as their mode of transport. Last, but far from the least, Jet Airways allows the opportunity to earn as many as 8 JPMiles in return of every Rs. 100 spent on a Matrix international calling card subscription. To sum it up, Matrix international SIM cards are not only the perfect means to guarantee flawless and uninterrupted communication with great savings, they now also come with fantastic rewards that can be availed any time one wants. For more information related to international SIM card, International SIM Card, International communication, international travelling sim cards please visit: - http://www.matrix.in
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