Everyone is aware of the fact that water is decreasing with each day passes and this makes us think on saving water. Generally, we see people wasting water without any reason. However, there are people, who are really serious about this issue as water is essential for all. If we try to save water, we can save thousands of gallons of water, but for doing this we need to know some useful tips that will help us in saving water. Kitchen and bathroom are the places where water is heavily used. Let’s start with kitchen first. When you are washing vegetables and fruits, then use bowl rather than under running tap. It saves lots of water and the leftover water can be used for watering the plants. 1)Boil water in kettles or in some closed utensils and use less amount of water. Boiling water in kettle boils very fast and it saves energy as well. 2)Try keeping a bottle or jug of water in the fridge instead of running taps until the water runs cold. 3)Some people use washing machines when the clothes are fewer, this practice wastes lots of water. Use washing machine when the clothes are in heavy quantity. 4)The best way to wash dishes is by hand and not in a dishwasher. When you wash by hand, soak them, scrub them and then turn the water on to rinse. If you have two sinks or two washing tubs you could soak in one and rinse in the other. Another place where water is consumed heavily is the bathroom. Here are some tips that may help you in saving water. 1)Showering: For every minute you stand there gallons of water are literally going down the drain. Take short showers limiting water usage to getting wet and rinsing off. If the water takes time getting hot, leave a bucket under the spout to catch the initial flow and use it on plants or to flush the toilet. 2)The toilet: every toilet flush is on average three to four gallons of water and as much as 7. Flush only when you need to. 3)Do not leave the water running while you brush your teeth. People are often seen doing this. 4)Old toilet cisterns consume a lot of water as compared to new ones. Try to replace them. 5)If you find any leak in faucets or you feel it should be replaced, then, go ahead to fix it. Using above-mentioned tips will really help you in saving water. In the end, I would like to end up this with the quote “Use water wisely as every drop counts”. About Author:The Author has been writing articles for years. He likes to share his thoughts with others. He's sharing his new article on Saving Water.
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