The popular belief about pregnancy is that women bloat up very much during this period and then can do nothing to get rid of the fat. Most women do put on a lot of weight during the period they are pregnant. It is actually very easy to put on weight during these 9 months and also during the year or so afterwards because biology seems to be conspiring against one. However, this does not have to be your story because it is not imperative that you put on a lot of weight just because you are having a baby. There are plenty of misconceptions regarding what happens to a woman’s body while she is pregnant and also immediately after she has given birth. One does put on a bit of weight because the hormones that are coursing through out the body cause it to accumulate fat in certain areas, particularly the breasts, belly and thighs. This might have been an evolutionary response to living during uncertain times when one was not sure about when the next meal would come. Thankfully, modern women do not have to worry about this problem. You can keep your pregnancy weight perfectly under control as long as you are determined. This does not mean that you have to starve yourself deliberately or that you have to exercise like a maniac. You just need to have a proper fitness and nutrition plan so that your baby and you get the nutrition you both need. You must remember that any attempt to cut back severely on your food consumption will ruin your health because your unborn child will get priority when it comes to allocation of the food you consume. One of the best ways to avoid bloating up during your pregnancy is to be very careful about what you eat. Have a talk with a nutritionist who can create a dietary plan for you based upon your likes and dislikes as well as your requirements. If you use your pregnant condition as an excuse to eat whatever you want then you will certainly put on a lot of weight. You need to eat lots of fruits and vegetables during this period as well as beans and whole grains as well. Proteins and dairy products are also very important because they provide materials necessary for the development of the unborn child. You should also exercise regularly in order to keep your weight under control. You do not necessarily have to do anything strenuous, but you have to be regular with your exercise. You should make it a point of going for a brisk walk or a swim every day. Yoga is also a great exercise for expecting mothers because it does not cause any stress to the body at all. It is very important to keep your pregnancy weight gain within reasonable limits not just because you will look attractive. You will also be very healthy and you will have an easy delivery. Your body will also bounce back to normal quicker. Would you like to find out exactly how people like yourself have managed to get pregnant despite being told they couldn't? Read all the Pregnancy Miracle stories here. Go to for heaps of other great information.
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