The most common symptom of a yeast infection in women, is a prolonged itching or burning in the vaginal area. The itching can be experienced internally, as well as in the outer parts of the vagina. When you have a yeast infection then you can experience pain when you wee, menstruate, or have sexual intercourse especially for the woman. Women may also have discharge that is thicker than normal. A yeast infection that has continued for a prolonged period may result in a white, bumpy discharge, close to the consistency of cottage cheese. Women may also spot an odor with the discharge. If not dealt with then it can get worse, there are red blisters that are a result of the burning sensation. Yeast Infection Symptoms that Are Less Common If you are having a problem identifying if you have a yeast infection, you should consult a medical professional who can confirm the problem. You mightn't blame a yeast infection for some of these rarer symptoms. You may experience migraine headaches or you may experience fatigue. Both of these problems can be symptoms of a yeast infection. You may also have aches and pains and think that it is just the common flu or cold approaching. You may even experience feelings of irritability and depression. If there is no other underlying cause for these problems, they could be symptoms of a yeast infection. These are not symptoms that would normally be seen as being a yeast infection on first glance. Your doctor may attempt to prescribe a regular antidepressant or mood stabilizer for your depression. Treating the symptom's cause is the only way to actually get rid of the symptoms completely. Leaving Treatment Until Later A yeast infection that goes untreated can result in a number of different problems. It is not something that you want to leave unchecked. For the most part, it is observed that you have the best chance of easily combating a yeast infection if you catch it early and use all natural treatments for your recovery. Most women really don't think about a tiny itch becoming a life endangering situation, so always make sure that you take all of this into account and take steps to look after yourself. If you would like to learn about more about yeast infection signs and symptoms, you may wish to check this out: yeast infection no more book
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