In this article, I am going to share with you some natural acne treatments that I have tried personally before. And hope these information will be helpful for you. Lime juice and rose water in equal proportions can be applied directly on affected areas. Leave on for 20 to 30 minutes then rinse off with lukewarm water. Orange. Orange also belongs to the citrus family and exhibits very much the same effects as those of lemon and lime in treating acne. In using orange for the purpose, make a paste out of ground orange peel and water and apply on affected parts. One of the best kept secrets for acne remedy is a clean face. Washing your skin daily with a mild cleanser upon waking up and before going to sleep can clear your face of unwanted acne. For a more natural approach, clean face with a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar. You have probably heard of green tea and black tea. Rooibos is used to make red tea. Drinking rooibos tea once or twice a day helps your body deal with viral infections. Rooibos does not kill viruses in your body or on your face, but it helps your immune system "tone down" so that it does not destroy healthy tissues while it tries to eradicate viral infections. Not known by most of people, tea tree oil is one of the most effective and natural treatment for acne. Most of the time, you can find tea tree oil sold in small bottles in your nearby convenient store. Tea tree oil can kill bacteria, viruses and fungi. To use tea tree oil, wash your faces thoroughly and patting it dry. Apply tea tree oil directly onto the skins where acnes are developed. It helps to reduce acne/pimple's size and speed up the healing process. Tea tree oil also help to keep you skin feel comfortable so feel free to apply it on other places of the skin. Whilst it may seem like a good idea to try and wash your acne away by excessive scrubbing or washing it is not a good idea to wash your face more than twice a day. The problem is the misconception that acne is caused by dirt and so people assume that washing it will reduce the acne. Acne is caused by a blockage of the pores with excessive oil and natural bacteria on the skin, when you wash your face you remove these natural oils and bacteria. Besides the above home remedies, other best acne treatments that work naturally include using raw garlic, oregano oil, orange peel paste, crushed fenugreek leaves, crushed neem leaves, turmeric paste and grated cucumber. All these ingredients give soothing effects to the skin and reduce infection symptoms. Author is an online medical researcher on acne treatment and skin care. Click read more on acne treatment, how to avoid acne.
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