Before we discuss about Candida Diet it is very much necessary to know what actually is Candida, scientifically speaking it is a micro organism that is already present in our body in some fixed ratio, and these are a sort of yeast that helps maintain the toxic level of our body. But the amount of Candida can increase drastically and result in severe health problems. The basic reason for this microorganism to multiply is poor eating habits, our normal routine is such that includes a lot of sugary diet, white flour, junk food all this helps these yeast to mushroom in our body and cause create toxic effects. For people who are suffering from Candida overgrowth, detoxification of the body is very important to stop the rapid multiplication of this yeast. A very special type of diet called as Candida Diet is chalked out that helps in the detoxification process. The basic rule of the Candida Diet is that it should be free of sugar, sugar substitute, junk foods, alcohol, preserved or canned food, smoked and fried foods, keeping out these foods from your diet will help you in the detoxification process. The basic ingredients of a Candida Diet or Candida Detox Diet are lots of green vegetables like cabbage, cucumbers, kale, lettuce, green beans, onions, garlic, green peppers and avocado. Also include fish, plain yogurt, gluten-free grains and daily fibers like oat bran and lots of protein and fruits. Also a Candid diet should be hugely supported with a lot of water, a patient should be advised to have as much water as possible because helps in detoxification and dehydrates the body while on diet. The main reason or the sole purpose of such an extensive diet regime like that of Candida diet is to make the yeast to starve so that the infection that they are causing can be minimized and they can be flushed out of the body. For the detoxification process it is very important to choose your food for a proper and an effective treatment.
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