Nothing in your career seems to be going the way you planned it after college. When you walked out of those heavy wooden doors of academia you were full of energy and dreams. After ten years of working in your field, all those dreams you once had seem to fad away into living paycheck after paycheck. As you look at where you have gone and what you have become you aren’t proud and wouldn’t dare think of bragging to anyone of your mundane life. If you are not happy with where you have gone and where you currently are heading it might be time to take a look at your approach. Your approach is the method you use to achieve your goals. You might have the wrong career, you might need improvement in your people skills, you might need to apply to other jobs or you might need to make improvements in your home life. Consider the following areas of improvement when attempting to figure out which areas you need work in: 1.) Career: Some careers pay higher than other careers. For example, a Master’s degree in psychology will likely earn far below what a Master’s degree in business would earn. Analyze your career and determine if it is a field that you can make a high income and there are growth opportunities within. If you find your career to be a dead end then search around for other careers that pay more and still utilize the same education backgrounds. For example, a degree in psychology could be used in sales management. 2.) Your Bills and Expenses: Your income might be at an acceptable level. You don’t feel as though you are going anywhere in your life because you are spending beyond your income limits in order to feel as though you are achieving. Eventually, this extra spending will force you to make major cut backs. Balance your needs for a reasonable standard of living with your need to stay within your budget. Cut back on those things that you don’t really need and put that money somewhere safe to grow. Once your lifestyle matches your income you may feel proud you are able to save money while everyone else is living paycheck to paycheck. 3.) Home Life: There are times when we don’t feel as though we are progressing because our home life is interfering with our careers. We have to deal with the children, run home and cook supper or go to baseball games. Family is very important but you have to work out an arrangement with your spouse in order to have the flexibility in your schedule and the ability to work with focus. You may just need to put some boundaries around your work and home life so that you can get that promotion you always wanted. 4.) Keeping the Dreams Alive: Part of the problem is that you have let your dreams die. Keep those dreams alive and work on them everyday. Make a list of major accomplishments you would like to achieve within your lifetime and determine when you want to achieve them. Each day you should complete a number of tasks that move you closer to your dreams. You might have lost your focus but you should never lose your dreams! Murad Ali, a two-time published author, writes articles and offers advertisement space for businesses. Visit and
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