Astigmatism causes blurred vision which is one of the most common reasons why a person went to the eye specialist. It is a type of refractive error of the eye. Other refractive errors are farsightedness and nearsightedness. Cornea and lens have a spherical curvature similar to that of a basketball. In astigmatism, the curvature is closer to that of a rugby ball. Result, the image reaching the retina varies along the axis of the ball, giving an image without sharpening. Here are 9 questions and answers about the astigmatism which will I think be enough to understand this refractive error. How to detect astigmatism? Astigmatism can be detected using the standard eye exam with refraction test by an opthamologist, if a child or a person who does not respond to the standard eye exam then a test is performed which uses reflected light or known as retinoscopy. Can astigmatic and myopic be at once? Astigmatism is not nearsightedness or farsightedness. In myopic and hyperopic, eye balls are either too long or too short and the image focuses in front or behind the retina. In addition to this, the myopic or hyperopic astigmatism may also be due to an additional defect, curvature this time. But ultimately, astigmatism enhances the visual disturbance of myopic or hyperopic. However, astigmatism delays the presbyopia (Presbyopia is a condition in which the lens of eye looses the ability to focus on the objects). The astigmatic confuses certain letters With a vision that is both blurred and distorted, the astigmatism makes it difficult to differentiate the letters as close to the M, N and H, E and B, or 8 and 0. The astigmatic blurs and distorted sees The astigmatic lines appear more elongated than they are. Where the vertical lines are are extended, it is called astigmatism compliant. If the lines are horizontal elongated, it is an astigmatism. Finally, oblique lines correspond to an elongated oblique astigmatism. This elongation of horizontal, vertical or oblique explains the confusion of letters and the vision blurred. Astigmatism is embarrassed to see from a far or up close? The vision of astigmatism is never far right or far or near. Moreover, a simple point is seen as a right at the edge blur. What are the symptoms of astigmatism? The astigmatism tends to blur and distorted view of near and far objects. But mild astigmatism may result in no symptoms or a tendency to squint often eyes, headaches, to be bothered by bright light and eyestrain. Astigmatism is often congenital Often, astigmatism is present from birth and then evolved very little during life. Astigmatism is not necessarily hereditary, that is to say that children with one or both parents are astigmatism have no greater risk of becoming in their turn. Astigmatism may also be acquired when an event deforms the cornea (trauma, surgery, infection, herpes ...). How to correct astigmatism? Wearing glasses (cylindrical lenses, Toric) whose power varies for different meridians, or contact lenses (O). Astigmatism can also be operated using laser vision correction surgery, whose goal is to evenly round the cornea by reducing irregularities. What are the complications of astigmatism? A single but often ignored complication of astigmatism is that uncorrected astigmatism in only one eye may cause amblyopia. P> About Author - Author is having a good knowledge about eye care and its surgery procedures such as glaucoma surgery, cataract, lasik, squint and other vision correction surgery procedures. Author recommend to choose a eye hospital in India for low cost eye care treatments.
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