If your goal is to make money on the internet it can be accomplished several different ways. Without knowing you personally, knowing your individual skills or your work ethic, it's impossible to make a statement like "dude, I know you can do it", but I can say that if you are of average intelligence, have a good work ethic, are coachable and are not a quitter that you should be fine. Here are a few ideas for making money on the internet. Sell physical products - do you already have a business of your own offline? If so, have you done research to see if there's a market for it online and if there are people already buying it? If so, you'll need to hire someone to set you up a small website to get you started and then start driving traffic to it. Provide a service - This is very similar to the example above. Just make sure that there's an active market and buyers before you invest any time and money. Ebay - I'm not as impressed with ebay for selling physical products because the prices for most popular items have been driven down so far, however, people that are "in the know" are making a killing with downloadable information. Create your own information products - you won't get rich overnight doing this, but if you have a knack for finding information that people are looking for and paying money for then you could build an empire over time. You can also build yourself an army of affiliates to promote your products for you. Affiliate programs - many people begin by promoting affiliate programs. There's actually a lot of money to be made by selling other people's stuff, although you will want to have your own product, but it's a great way to begin. There are more ways to go to once you've got a bit of experience under your belt. The best advice I could give you is to find one thing that you know works, find a mentor and pay them to train you or do apprentice work for them while you learn the ropes and don't get distracted by other offers. Stick with one thing and work it hard. Do that and it will be almost impossible for you to fail. God luck! Are you struggling with Affiliate Marketing? Are you spending a lot of money and time only to have the same result? Grab my free report "Top 10 Affiliate Mistakes" and save yourself a lot of heartache. Visit MakeAffiliateCash.com Right Now. You'll learn what NOT to do and finally get yourself on the right track. Make Money On The Internet. Joe Stewart is an Affiliate Marketer and Small Business owner that enjoys helping others.
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