The Campeden Holistic Health Retreat centers are also called as the Personal Development Resort as the center has all the facilities and luxuries that help you to lead a happier and healthier life for your future. This Health Spa Retreat center offers Eden Program that specializes in providing you with the inspiration, self knowledge and practical application to turn your intentions into a lasting reality, which will empower and enhance you. The Camp Eden Health Retreat is the perfect place to jump start your goals and the center specializes in weight loss retreat, stress management currumbin valley, personal development retreat, holistic body therapies, spa beauty therapy currumbin valley, and resort accommodation currumbin valley. The Campeden’s team of naturopaths, personal trainers, class instructors, chefs and holistic therapists will provide you with guidance and support during your stay. The Eden program includes various sections and packages like weight management packages, neuroarobics, stress management currumbin valley, spa aromatherapy currumbin valley, natural healing therapy currumbin valley, veiny lace flower currumbin valley, acupuncture health currumbin valley, sauna steam bath currumbin valley, Australia spa beauty therapy, and many more. Your Luxury Holiday Resorts Currumbin Valley at Camp Eden allows you the seclusion from the outside world, freedom to roam, to reflect, to contemplate, and be in the spirit with what is around you. A chance to reconnect with yourself, surrender your old perceptions and see yourself with fresh eyes. This health retreat and fitness center daily program offers holistic, educational and self development choices. The program is designed to start your day with energy and vitality gradually, progressing through the day, having fun and learning more about you along the way. Some of the activities held in the program are archery, environment education, stretching class, swimming, spa cuisine demo, volleyball, yoga, rope maze, relaxation class, labyrinth, tennis, tribal dance, creative movement, meditation, music, retreat
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