People give diamond rings for many different reasons, with engagement and marriage being the most popular. Finding unique diamond rings can be a real challenge, especially given the sheer scale and scope of the competition. One of the best ideas is to consider rough diamonds, but in order to do that one needs to know more about rough diamonds. Here are some interesting things you should know about rough diamond rings: Rough Diamonds are imbued with Mother Nature’s Glory – One of the reasons that some of the best unique engagement rings in the world prominently feature rough diamonds is simple; Mother Nature gave rough diamonds enough appeal that people have sought to mine and refine them for countless generations. This raw glory is akin to the love shared between two people as it is unique, unchanging, enduring, beautiful, and all but invincible. Rough Diamonds are Amazing – One of the reasons that rough diamonds are so sought after is that they have a rough beauty to them that is impossible to match. Other gemstones presented in the rough are also good companions for rough diamond rings, but some people prefer to only use a single rough diamond on a piece, or to accent a main rough diamond with many smaller rough diamonds. Rough Diamonds are Affordable Precious – Because there is no loss of size due to polishing, rough diamonds are unique because you do not give up even a modicum of their amazing appearance. In fact, there are many people who would say that by saving a little and choosing a larger rough diamond, not only can one create a unique look but one can also create a bolder statement. Color, Clarity, and Cut are Different – When looking at rough diamonds there are some different criteria. Size is still present, carat weight remains the same, but cut is obviously replaced by the natural shape Mother Nature imparted to a rough diamond. Clarity is also something that has to be viewed very subjectively when looking at rough diamonds. Some inclusions which would be taken out by a cutter can actually be the “life” of a rough diamond and when taken away would make it look generic. Color is very apparent and easily seen in its natural rough state as opposed to a polished state. Diamond in the Rough offers unique wedding rings and diamond jewelry created with rough, natural diamonds.
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Diamond in the Rough, unique wedding rings,