If you are like most rabid golf enthusiasts, you can’t get your hands on enough golf information, because you fantasize that it will improve your game immediately. You read the golf magazines intently and watch the videos over and over again, being certain that you thoroughly understand the dispensed advice. You confidently assert: “I’ve got it!”, and you rush to the golf course eager to implement the magic. Unfortunately, you are usually disappointed to discover that something isn’t quite right. Here’s the problem. The vast majority of golf articles or golf swing video advice is given from the point of view of how to properly perform them like the pros do. And because there are so many oddities that amateur golfers conjure up in their golf swings, it would be impossible for a golf magazine to devote the proper space to them. Therefore, rightfully so, they chose to show you the correct, professional way. Understandably, with print spaces and video length constraints, they only deal with one or two aspects of the golf swing in any given article or video, not the entire process. This can be very dangerous for you because you could be physically incapable of performing the suggested task, or more likely, you think you understand the concepts, when in fact you do not. You see, if you incorporate the advice, (say for example regarding a complete shoulder turn), you may be wreaking havoc on other parts of your golf swing, and not even know it. The proper golf swing is a flowing process and the bottom line is that you need to consider the entire golf swing and how changing or tweaking one part has a domino effect on the other parts. To give you real solid golf swing advice, one would have to see your entire golf swing and what you are capable of. The articles and videos are often not meant for you. That’s why I strongly advocate that you discuss with your golf pro the changes you are about to incorporate. He or she presumably knows your golf swing and what you are capable of changing in it. Or, just as effectively, you could practice on a golf swing plane trainer, where any new faults, or those caused by introducing new elements into your golf swing, will be quickly detected and magnified. I am talking about golf swing trainers such as the Medicus or the Explanar, those that help you focus on the proper golf swing plane and swing path. With them, when you attempt to implement the new advice into your swing, if it is flawed, the training device will give you the instant feedback as to where you are at fault. The advice suggested by these article and videos may very well be correct. But if they are misinterpreted or carried out incorrectly, they could cause more harm than good. Be on guard to all that you read and see. Jack McDermott. Please visit my content rich website for free posts and videos on all things golf. Our website focuses on the most important aspect of the golf swing, the golf swing plane. http://golfshoppronews.com/golf-swing-plane Copyright 2011 jack mcdermott http://golfshoppronews.com/category/golf-swing all rights reserved.
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