In these hard economic times, there are some things that are not always in the budget. Getting a haircut may be one thing that you put off because you cannot squeeze it into your budget. One way to save some money is to cut your own hair at home. Being inexperienced with cutting hair, it may be more practical to just trim your hair at home between regular haircuts. This will allow you to go longer periods without requiring a haircut by a professional. This will also prevent any hair disasters from occurring. Trimming hair is easy to do and most anyone can do it. First, you need to make sure that you have extremely sharp scissors. You may even want to invest in some professional shears, which can be purchased at a local beauty supply store or online. It is also a good idea to have a hair clipper set available at home too. Second, you need to comb or brush your hair, getting all the tangles out. Some hair is better to trim while wet, like thick or long hair. Take care to ensure that there is no hair hiding from you, like behind your ears. Thirdly, always remember that hair shrinks after being cut, especially if cut while wet. So you need to cut off less than what you want. Some hair types are going to shrink more than others. Bangs and curly hair will shrink the most. You will need a mirror in front and back when cutting your own hair. Start with clean hair that is dry, then wet as needed with a spray bottle to make it damp. If your hair is longer, it may be easier to divide hair into sections before cutting. Cutting hair is better done in a well lit area, so that you can see what you are doing. You may want to consider cutting hair outside for even better lighting and easier cleanups. For men, home based haircuts are best accomplished by investing in a good, preferably professional quality hair clipper or trimmer set. Trimmers are good to use on your neck and around sideburns. Clippers would be for bulk hair removal and styling. For some men, just trimming the back of their neck is all that is needed between haircuts. Adjustable blade style clippers are an ideal choice if you plan to do a lot of fading or tapering. Detachable blade clippers provide excellent cutting power and a clean, fast cut. Using these tips, anyone can cut their hair at home. You will save yourself time and money. No more fitting an appointment into your schedule or forking over money at the salon. Over time, you will get more comfortable with trimming your own hair and become much better at it. If your considering a professional grade hair clipper set then Oster clippers are an ideal choice for long term use and dependability. Visit for the latest reviews and featured deals.
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