Your chemical peel consists of a lot of stages during treatment. There are some parts of which you may be particular well informed about to make sure that you and your doctor are going along the proper lines. Anesthesia is unnecessary for phenol of TCA peels are the chemical solution itself works as a pretty good anesthetic in itself. However, doctors may use sedation to help you relax during the procedure and keep you comfortable during your sojourn. No anesthesia is used in the case of AHA peels as there is only a mild stinging sensation during the process. AHA peels are applied by the doctors to your cleansed facial skin, which is a process taking under 10 minutes to complete. There is no need for after-peel ointments or coverings. Depending on how strong the peel is periodic treatments are usually necessary to receive desired results. For a lot of patients, the application of an AHA cream a few times a day at home will be sufficient to accomplish the goal of getting skin with a far better texture. Your doctor may add bleaching agents or Retin-A to you home treatment schedule to moderate and maximize the effects. Through periodic examination and continuous checkups you are likely to get what you want for yourself. Phenol and TCA peels are used only after the skin is thoroughly cleansed. The doctor then applies the phenol or TCA solution. There is a definite stinging sensation which is felt but it passes soon enough. A full face TCA peel usually does not take very long but you need more than one TCA peel to get to where you want. Mild TCA peels can be applied every month. Strong ones should be spaced out in between a few months. In the case of phenol peels, the doctor usually coats the treated are with either petroleum jelly or with a waterproof adhesive tape which is not at all necessary for lighter peels. A full face phenol peel takes quite a bit of time to complete but a single treatment is usually enough. It is common to experience a little bit of temporary flaking or scaling, redness or dryness of the skin, but these disappear as soon as the skin gets adjusted to the treatment. Doctors prescribe a mild pain medication to prevent any tingling or throbbing you may end up feeling after a TCA or a phenol peel. A tape, if applied on your face, is usually removed in a day or two. A crust may form on your face. To help your face heal properly, it is important that you follow the instructions given by your doctor for post operative care. A TCA peel also tends to cause swelling depending on the strength of the solution. It is the same, if not worse with phenol peels. You may need someone to help you out for the first few days which are quite a pain, to be mildly put. But then again, you are doing it for yourself.
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