Article: Our eyes are as precious as fragile. Using our eyes we see the beautiful world, explore it and enjoy it every time. To continue exploring and enjoying the world, it’s essential to take care of your eyes. Protecting the eyes is never been a tough job, just keep in mind to protect your eyes while performing some activities which requires a high eye attention. Below are some of the most often performed activities which may cause harm to your eyes. Protect his eyes while crafts and household activities The chemicals used for crafts and cleaning of household objects often contain a certain amount of toxic. Splashing of the chemical into the eyes are frequent accidents that cause serious eye injury. There is a simple solution to the problem, just read the instructions on containers before using the material, follow the instructions while use and always wear eye protection. Sawing, sanding and drill are capable of projecting your eyes and causing shrapnel injuries. During sawing, sanding or drilling the attention chips produced are variable in size and sometimes so small that you are unable to feel their entry into your eyes and the trauma. So any discomfort in the eye after a craft session must be considered seriously and consult urgently. Sparks from welding, lasers or light rays are also the cause of serious burns so wearing goggles is essential in such cases. During sports activities, it also protects his eyes! All ball games (tennis, squash, baseball, hockey, football) can cause direct impacts on the eye causing bruised eye. So caution, even if games that seem innocuous, it is advisable to wear glasses that are unbreakable. And of course, children do not play with air guns, darts, firecrackers or other types of projectiles. Sun, watch the eyes The eyes are very sensitive to bright light, and even more children and adolescents. Wearing appropriate sunglasses (UV protection at places like sea, mountain, wraparound and CE) is required depending on location, activity and individual sensitivity. What about makeup "good eye" We must choose hypoallergenic (cosmetics that are unlikely to cause an allergic reaction) products and fragrance preferably from well-known brands. TV and computer While watching TV you should not get too close to the screen. On computer screens, the situation of fatigue visual can be easily found? The top of the screen should be placed at the height of your eyes (the eyes get tired more when you look up). To avoid direct light and glare, the screen should be perpendicular to the window. And finally, a 5-minute break every hour helps eyes rest. Professional activities bikes and pool... For certain occupations, never neglect the goggles. Motorcycle, the helmet visor should always be lowered in the absence of glasses / goggles adjusted. And even at the pool, swimming goggles are recommended, since water is often chlorinated. Emergencies and care • If spilled chemicals into the eye, rinse the eye with water for at least ten minutes. • If swelling of the eyelid, apply ice or a cold compress. • Go to the specialist immediately in case of sudden loss of vision, loss of sight in one eye, perception of a black veil or flashes of light. If all the tips above were keep in mind there are 85% less chance that you will get suffered from any eye problem. About Author Author is having a good knowledge about eye care and its surgery procedures such as lasik eye surgery, cataract, glaucoma and squint. Author recommend to choose eye hospital in Delhi for low cost eye care treatments.
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