With the cost of health insurance skyrocketing here in the United States, many people simply can't afford to pay the monthly premiums. It's bad enough that many parents are unable to get insurance for themselves because of the high cost, but what about their children? What do they do if something happens to one of their kids? As a parent, this is something that can give you nightmares if you let it, because with children, especially young children in elementary school, it's not a matter of "if" something is going to happen, it's usually a matter of "when" something is going to happen. I remember when my son was still very young and I was looking for health insurance quotes for him. At the time he was still a toddler and as a former insurance agent I expected the premiums to be high because of the high risk with young children, but I never expected to get quotes of over $200 per month for my little boy. They actually went down to just under $100 per month when he turned two years old, but I was still a bit shellshocked. Being a disabled veteran, I didn't have a regular health insurance policy to add him onto so I was faced with buying him an individual health insurance policy. I was really happy to see that boy get to is his second birthday. You can lower your monthly premiums by raising the deductible on your policy, however, this means that you'll pay more out of pocket before your policy kicks in. If you live on a low income or limited income and have children, you should check with the adult and family services in the state that you live in. Most state governments will provide health insurance automatically for children. I've heard of parents making fairly decent money and still qualifying for assistance for their kids. I know that some people might look at this as charity and actually consider allowing their pride to get in the way, but if you look at things that way where your children are concerned, you're a fool. The kids come first above everything. I highly recommend that you get on the phone and get more information about this right away. Joe Stewart Is A Former Health Insurance Agent. He's Made Understanding Health Insurance Easy For Others. You Can Learn More About Health Insurance And Get Free Health Insurance Quotes For Individual And Family At His Website TheHealthInsuranceGuys.org or by clicking on Individual Health Insurance
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