No doubt, one of the worst periods to contract a yeast infection is while you are pregnant. Bodily changes often provide the opportunistic yeast a chance to expand – and the second trimester is when this often amounts. A lot of women are anxious during pregnancy anyway, and even if the infection is more worrisome than a danger, the symptoms can be alarming and uncomfortable. Let’s examine what a yeast infection is and how your pregnancy can be made more enjoyable by curing it. The Origins of a Yeast Infection The acid atmosphere of the vagina is often sufficient to keep the ubiquitous yeast in line. When the acidity is disrupted, a more acidic condition occurs, it is easy for yeast to overgrow and leads to a yeast infection. Doctors tell us that there are quite a few things that lead to a yeast infections, and one of them is pregnancy itself, which presents various changes to the body. Aside from pregnancy, yeast infections can be brought forth by frequent douching, antibiotic treatment, diabetes (which causes high blood sugar), normal intercourse, or birth control pills. Yeast Infection Common Symptoms You may have some or all of the symptoms often found with a yeast infection, but the most likely one present will be severe itching in the area of the vagina. A yeasty scent, thick white or yellowish discharge will usually occur and intercourse or urination can hurt. Discharge, itching, and a burning sensation are usually excellent signs of a yeast infection, especially during pregnancy. Although, if you have these symptoms, you should visit the doctor for testing to be sure that a more dangerous condition isn't causing the problem. Methods for Curing a Yeast Infection While Pregnant The well being of the developing baby is key when dealing with a yeast infection while you're pregnant. Fortunately, there are ways to help treat a yeast infection that work well and inflict no harm to the fetus. Vaginal creams can provide you with help with the burning and itching that results from a yeast infection. Pregnant women are also generally given a vaginal suppositories to help clear up the yeast infections. As of yet, oral medications haven't been given approval for treating pregnant women. There are some measures you can take as you wait for your yeast infection to be cured that will not only alleviate the symptoms instantly, but also aid in preventing future infections: loose clothing and cotton underpants will keep the affected area dry; cutting back on sugary food will help to starve the yeast; stop douching; get a complete evenings rest; and shower regularly. As the health of your baby, along with your own, is at stake, it is important that you talk with your doctor before attempting to treat a yeast infection yourself. He or she will be aware of safe and effective treatments. If you'd like to learn more ways for Treating Yeast Infection During Pregnancy be sure to take a look at this solid review: Natural Cure for Yeast Infection
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