One of my most popular workshops is Troubleshooting Your Job Search. People probably relate to the notion of problems in the search and how to fix these. In general, we often hone in on what isn’t working, what could be better, what we yet don’t have. However, an integral part of success in the job search is based on the opposite of troubleshooting – identifying and building on your job search wins. Identify what is working well in your search. Perhaps you are getting a lot of first round interviews. Perhaps the way you introduce yourself at networking events elicits curiosity. Perhaps you are hearing encouragement for a business idea or a trend that you have identified. Keep a log of these wins, however small, and look for patterns. Translate these wins elsewhere. If you are getting first round interviews, how are you doing that? Are you an effective networker? Perhaps you can apply your networking savvy to later points in the job search or to expanding your opportunities. Is it the resume that gets these interviews? Perhaps you need to weave more of your resume descriptions and examples into your interview responses to move further along. In other words, apply what you are doing well in one area into the next phase of your search. Cultivate an environment that supports success. In addition to specific activities or actions that create wins, your desk, your schedule, and your routine create a winning (or not) environment. Look at when, where and how you do your best work. If it is in the morning that you do your best research, then block that time for research and schedule other things at other times. If you know that a clear desk makes you more productive, budget time each week or every few days for cleaning and organizing, knowing that you will get these hours back in increased productivity. Success in the job search is not just about finding problems and fixing them. It is also about recognizing when things are good, identifying why this is so and building on these job search successes.
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