Today everyone is looking for ways to save; some persons are trying to save on car insurance by turning to cheap car insurance. However this may mean that they pay little, but then get an insurance of little worth. If you want to save on automobile insurance but still get a great deal, here are some tips that you will find to be very helpful Compare Rates One of the best ways to ensure that you are saving on automobile insurance is to shop around and compare deals before accepting any. You will find that different companies are offering the very same coverage at different prices. Also you want to check to ensure that the company you choose is legit and not just giving you a very low price. Increase Your Deductible Taking higher risks can reduce your premium drastically. If you choose to do this, you could put the extra money saved in the bank, just in case you have to pay it. However, in increasing your deductible, ensure that the price you set is something you are able to pay if an accident does occur. Don’t Report Small Incidents You don’t have to report ever accident to your insurance company and if they don’t hear about it, no problem. Actually, if they don’t know about it, your rates will not be affected. Therefore, if the accident is minor, you and the other driver can just decide to pay out of your pocket which will put you in a better shape. Install and Mention Safety Features Most of the newer cars have theft devices installed, and if you like you could have them installed if they are missing in your car. Things like daytime running lights, ABS brakes, side air bags and anti theft systems are all things that will help you to get a discount on your car insurance quotes. So ensure that you make mention of all that you have installed in your car for a greater discount. Ask for Group Discounts There are many companies that will give you a discount on your insurance if you are affiliated with a certain organization. This could be a certain sorority, credit union or even for having a type of credit card. Request Discounts for Small Mileage If you don’t drive much, you should let your insurance company know as persons who have lower mileage pay a cheaper premium. However, don’t lie about it, as your insurer has ways of finding out and could charge you a penalty for lying. Combine Insurances There are companies that will give you a discount for insuring both your house and your car with the same company. Also if you have two cars, you may find that insuring the second car with the same company can get you a significant discount. You could get online car insurance quotes to confirm this. Forgo Theft and Collision Coverage If you have an old car that wouldn’t be worth a lot if it was totalled or stolen, you may want to drop this type of coverage. You will find that doing so will save you lots on your insurance. However this would not be a good move to make if you have a newer car or one that is worth a lot. Once you are given the quotes, narrow down your options to about 3 or 4 based on the price and options given. You will then need to visit the of the companies and do some research on their track record to choose the one best online insurance quote for you.
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