Those who are in search out for a web hosting provider for their website may be excited about free web hosting. Looking at it from the surface, free web hosting helps you in saving on the cost of setting up a website. A decent paid web hosting service should cost around $20 a month. That makes around $240 a year. Free web hosting might save you that money, but there is the other side to the question. There is he saying that "there is no free lunch". So is it possible to have free web hosting that is really "free?" Free web hosting will cut your revenue potential If you are setting up a business website, you would definitely like to to earn revenue from all sources including advertising and affiliate marketing. Chances are that you will not get with many free web hosting service providers. If their services are indeed free, then you should decide what to do with your website. A website that cannot generate revenue by itself is not worth setting up, unless it is just for fun. Unwanted ads on your website If you are not able to advertize on your own website, then at least you should be happy seeing it just the way you set it up. But with free hosting, anytime you log to your website, you are bound to see unwanted ads you know nothing about. The hosting company uses these ads to pay for the services they provide. This is understandable from their point of view. But you lose on it because these ads become a nuisance to your visitors. Spam There are many free hosting companies that promise no adverts on your website. They have other ways of letting you pay for their services. They help in filling your mailbox with a lot of spam, and some of them selling mailing lists to spammers. After opting for a free hosting site, you must get used to emails coming from all corners. No technical support Free hosted websites do experience downtime problems on a regular basis, but you don't have any reason to complain. Don't be amazed to wake up one day to realize that your website has been taken off. You don't have the right to complain because you don't pay for the service so you don't have any right. You get labeled with the "bad guys" This can be a big price to pay. Scammers and MLM schemes are resorting to the services of free web hosting providers. Therefore if you decide to opt for that, no one will take your website seriously. If you are serious enough with your business you can afford to pay a few hundred dollars for a professional website. There is really nothing professional about freely hosted websites. No search engine ranking Most search engines don not have any serious respect for freely hosted websites. They are not listed in most search engines and directories. What this means is that nobody will visit your website. That means low traffic for your site. The truth of the matter is that the word "free" in free hosting is just a business word for the service provider. You don't pay cash, but you pay more than what you will when you decide on a paid web hosting service. The truth of the matter is that the word "free" in free hosting is just a business word for the provider. You don't pay cash, but you pay more than what you will when you decide on a paid web hosting service. Still there are many free domain hosting service providers which offers something good which are needed for your hosting needs. Just try to figure out the best free host service and stick with them until you are capable enough of switching to a paid one.
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